Amp-Clip (doubletracked)

The powerball clip stands out way more then other 3 clips Lasse... the first 3 sound very much the same, especially the krank and the recto clip.
you guys are tonedeaf, lol ;)

in a mix that amp will sound like tracked in a rehearsalroom ;)

it just doesn't have that "in yer face" the other 3 have (and yep, I tried to set them all up so they sound similar (or you could just say to give me the sound I like)
I never thought I would say this but I prefer the Krank clip over the others on this one.
The Recto has that nice Rectoness to it (haha!), I assume it would blend well with the Krank, which sounds surprisingly smooth and fat to me.
The 5150 isn't bad either but I totally dislike the Powerball, thinny and overgained, could make a neat leadtone maybe.
Hm, the krank and recto are surprisingly similar on this one. The 5150 is close, too but still has its trademark sound. The powerball is nowhere near as tight as the others but it's more agressive.
I´m not too fond of the Powerball clip and I share many people´s opinion that it is the least pleasant ENGL amp.. I really like the Krank though!
I like the 5150 and the mesa the most. They are all pretty similiar but the 5150 just has that... 5150 sound (which I happen to love), and the recto has the tightness part down. Together they would be bomb ducketts.
Didn't like any of the clips seriously...

5150/Krank/Recto sound very similar.

PB sounds a bit better (a bit edgier / more attack ) than the others but still i don't like it.

I've heard killer PB guitars in the mix from a friend with an Ibanez UV777 (DiMarzio Evo loaded on the bridge i think... at least it's the stock UV777 Universe), Powerball with gain around 9'oclock (maybe even less), a good amount of mids (at least 13 o'clock) ), Randall V30 loaded cab, SM57 (+maybe another mic) takes, dual-tracked. It sounded nothing like the clip you posted Lasse.
Now what i'm gonna say may sound funny/nonsense to you Lasse, but the sound my friend got with his PB sounded a bit like the killer guitar sound you achieved on the Alestorm album :)
The 5150 and Krank sound similar (but still different), I give you that, but the Recto is completely different, at least for my hearing.
If he would have just put the 4 tracks unnamed there I would have guessed the Recto 100%, for sure.
Bah I don't like the powerball at all sorry lol too fizzy and transistor-like

Agree with this. Sorry...don't like this tone at all.

My favorite has to be the Recto and then the Krank. Although all 3 (Recto, Krank, 5150) are great tones, and very similar.
i can't gauge them without some good ol' chugga, chugga. However on what i hear i like krank best: tightest & fullest out of the 4 IMO and power ball worst...too muddy