Amp noise when isolated from guitar cab

Nov 6, 2005
I tried to search for this all over, but it may be too ambiguously worded. I just got a 50' speaker cable, to allow me to have my head in a control room away from the cab in a live room. I had my head connected through my countryman and was playing with impulses vs my mic setup on my cab. When I muted my channels I heard my amp making (audibly) an output of what I could hear my cab making, only very high high (8kish-above) coming specifically from the output transformer. Since I have never heard my head apart from my cab, I don't know if this is a normal occurrence.
Wow. That's very strange. Aside from maybe the cable length being so long that the impedance of the cable is becoming significant enough to cause this.
I have the same thing happening both when playing with a speaker in another room through a long cable or when playing with a loadbox. I guess it's actually always like this, but these circumstances let the head sound be heard.
Enlighten us please, oh knowing ones!
Had this at some point too. Tried plugging things into different power sockets and it went away. I know waaay too little about power dispersion and ground loops but I'm pretty sure this is an anomaly caused by that.
I will play around with different outlets. I'm at least glad this isn't a sign of my output transformer going, since this isn't an isolated incident.
I have heard that sound a few times when I or someone else has forgot to plug the amp to a cabinet. Thankfully I haven't blown anything yet.