Amp Sim Cabinet + Impulse?


Sep 19, 2007
Hey guys,

THis week I have been tweaking arround with GubbKuk's kick ass Revalver III tone.

By mystake I was showing a track to a friend but I realized that Revalver loaded the 6505 with the default set up, including the cabinet. It sounded amazing! I think it was missing something, but I liked what I heard!

I know that "if you like it, go for it", but I would like to know what do Impulse experts have to say about this.

Thanks guys! :kickass:
I'm pretty sure that the 6505 preset would still load an impulse as its "cab-sim," probably one of the 6505 cab. But seriously dude, go with what sounds best!
heh....when i 1st started messing with RVIII, i was like "man, why the hell does this sound so funny when i use impulses?"

then i ditched the whole 6505 amp preset, and went for just the preamp o_O