Ampeg B2R, any good?


Mar 24, 2007
Fife, Scotland
Seen a really good deal locally for one of these with a BSE 4x10 cab. Has anyone ever recorded one? Got any clips?

Any experiences you could share would be greatly appreciated.
I own one. It's nice because it's an affordable bass amp but I'm not all that crazy about it's tone. It's just not warm enough for me.
Here is an old clip where I used it with it's direct out. Sorry about the mix but I basically mixed it in like 2 hours and didn't know shit about eq'ing :)

Actually now that I listen to it I think with some proper EQ it could be pretty good. For live purposes it does the job at an affordable price.
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Buy an orange Bass terror instead.
Only bass amp that's sub a grand that doesn't suck balls