yeah dude that video kind of blows rofl
man i swear videos on youtube kill the sound of amps and just turn you right off haha
im sure its a great lil head tho its just not what im really looking for honestly, i was in a punk band a year ago and the guy in the band had one of those at his house that he just messed around with and i was not big on it back then, again thats just me, other would play it and love it.
also all those ampegs i named i was going to be getting for around $350-$450 bucks used, so thats why i picked those out.
i just really wanted to start working with live bass amp rigs, its something i have always wanted to get into with recording, im planing on recording some rock stuff and the bands have been wanting to record live and i feel like the ampeg would do great for that sound.
i also plan on recording some heavy stuff with it as well.
ill still do tracks with just sansamp right in and the TS808.
but some tracks i feel it would be nice to bust out a nice live amp.
i have always been a fan of using live amps over anything else.