Ampeg SVT 350, Ampeg SVT 450 or Ampeg SVT pro 3

Jul 31, 2010
I am about to buy one of these heads but i am not to sure on which i should go with, ill be using them for live/recording.

i have just always been into the ampeg sound and i have the money to get one so just wondering if anyone has any advice on these heads.

ill be using them on a ampeg 8x10 cab.
orange terror bass slays all of them.
The only good Ampeg is the SVT classic; the rest are overpriced arse.
plus a really fucking big one on the orange bass terror!
The Classic Ampegs are cool, but they're very overpriced, there are better alternatives imho.
I felt in love with the TecAmp Black Jag and you can get some nice, semi distorted rocking sounds
out of it and it's very lightweight and still looks cool :D
Get the SVT3 Pro USA used (the new Vietnamese ones I can't vouch for), the others I've played on gigs and had dropouts and pretty shitty sound. I tested the Orange Bass Terror a few days ago and seemed like a bad fuzz box with amplification. A matter of taste, I guess...
yeah dude that video kind of blows rofl :p
man i swear videos on youtube kill the sound of amps and just turn you right off haha :p im sure its a great lil head tho its just not what im really looking for honestly, i was in a punk band a year ago and the guy in the band had one of those at his house that he just messed around with and i was not big on it back then, again thats just me, other would play it and love it.

also all those ampegs i named i was going to be getting for around $350-$450 bucks used, so thats why i picked those out.

i just really wanted to start working with live bass amp rigs, its something i have always wanted to get into with recording, im planing on recording some rock stuff and the bands have been wanting to record live and i feel like the ampeg would do great for that sound.

i also plan on recording some heavy stuff with it as well.
ill still do tracks with just sansamp right in and the TS808.

but some tracks i feel it would be nice to bust out a nice live amp.
i have always been a fan of using live amps over anything else.
The Peavey VB-2 absolutely blew me away. My old bassist played Music Man Stingrays through SVT Classics, 4-Pros, 2-Pros, and 3-Pros for forever. He got the VB-2, and it blew them all away. Very even and controlled from the top end to the low end.
orange terror bass slays all of them.
The only good Ampeg is the SVT classic; the rest are overpriced arse.

I would say the classic is the worst one! To each his own I guess.
I would say the SVT III Pro or 4 Pro. I don’t know about the Vietnamese versions.
The Peavey VB-2 sound interesting.
And yes I'm a Bass player.
Last time I had a live bass rig (don't play bass in this band):
Charvel bass with Alembic and Duncan pickups. Duncan/Basslines electronics.
Sansamp PSA-1
Ashly SC50
Ashly SC63
Crest 800 watt poweramp
Ampeg 8x10 coffin

Had an Ampeg SVT3 pro V1, and it was very nice. Some thief took it.

NOT a fan of the newer solid state svt's (our bass player has an svt4). Dunno about the tube models.

Wish there was more availability on the Ampeg rackmount preamps. The svpcl is nice. Svppro. Svpbse. Discontinued.

Lots of ways to get solid bass sounds.

Please and THANK YOU!