Ampeg SVX settings


Apr 3, 2009
anyone have a list of tone settings for different sounds. Need something to kinda get me started... using Ampeg SVX for PC and PT LE
my go to starting point is the SVT 2 pro head, second setting (stock setting), and I increase the comp to just over 12 0 clock, same with the mids, engage the ultra hi button and the ultra low button, use the 8x10 cab with the 421 pulled back and off center.

I eq and add distortion outside of the plugin, but that is usually what I use for demoing bass tracks... still prefer a mic'd cab, personally.
I only ever use the SVT-CL or BA-500 models. Start there, tweak to taste. Most notable changes almost always include sucking the living crap out of the low mids, and trying to get a fat low end with the bass knob, then letting subsequent compression/limiting and finer paragraphic EQ do the rest.