Ampeg VL-1002 Impulses


Sounds like shit!
Oct 22, 2006
Atlanta, GA
I just tried to make an impulse.
Ampeg VL-1002 > Crate Blue Voodoo 4x12 with Warehouse Guitar Speakers Veteran 30's > Audix i5 (cause fuck a 57).

This is the first impulse i have ever made, so it may be SHIT. let me know how i can improve the sounds. i just tried it with some amp sims and it sounds ok so far.

also, i used the built in attenuator on the VL-1002 so i didn't blow my fucking face off. Should i adjust the signal volume before i run it through the amp and cab?


impulses here:
Hey dude, I'm trying it out now, and I really like it! HOWEVER, did you by any chance make it with pink/white noise? Cuz whenever I abruptly stop playback, there's a decent sized trail of noise that keeps going, which is what I found when I tried making impulses with pink/white (using the 12 sec. Deconvolver-generated sine sweep worked way better). Thanks a lot, it's got a great crunch, I'd love some moar! ;)
I used a 10sec sine sweep from Voxengo Deconvolver. I need to go back and trim the end of the clip though - I found out about that.
What are you running through it, Wagner?

Here's one with the mic between the edge and "between" position of the same speaker. It has been trimmed so there shouldn't be the echo/delay.

I wanted to try making some of these so I could run the VL-1002 into impulses of it's own power section and my cab, but this shit seems to sound not too good when i try that, but with Wagner and other software preamps, it sounds quite useable.
Fuck, i had my FireStudio routing the straight input back out, so it was mixing with the impulse sound and fucking it up. I should have checked sooner and I could have worked out some more impulses! damn.

When I get all this figured out, I plan on doing each speaker with, i5, sm57, e609, d6 (?), different positions and maybe even mic combinations.

If anyone has any other suggestions, let me know!
Yeah, I used it with Wagner through Boogex, and it ruled!

Hey Sloan...
I've took your impulses for a ride, using Wagner # MKII and Boogex (as Metaltastic). They seem ok, pretty heavy and full. That's surelly usable and it can appear on some work of my. Good work and thanks ! :kickass:
Sweet, glad there is some interest. I really love this amp, it may not get super heavy fucking modern shit, but what it does do - it does well!

If I get a large set of impulses of the VL-1002 that I'm satisfied with, I want to do some Laney GH100TI impulses too. Should be cool!
I just setup everything and was getting ready to make some more impulses when my roommate showed up. He heard this loud as fuck sine wave blasting through my amp and was like "WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT??!?!!!", so i just told him it's how i can make a fake speaker in my computer. So, hopefully, next time everyone's gone, I can get some fucking impulses done. I've been trying to do this for a long time, but nobody here has a job so there's always people here. Fucking gay.
HAhahahaaha, buncha lowlife n00bs can't comprehend the impulsation! Use that sine wave to blast 'em back to "hell's asshole" :lol:
I just setup everything and was getting ready to make some more impulses when my roommate showed up. He heard this loud as fuck sine wave blasting through my amp and was like "WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT??!?!!!", so i just told him it's how i can make a fake speaker in my computer. So, hopefully, next time everyone's gone, I can get some fucking impulses done. I've been trying to do this for a long time, but nobody here has a job so there's always people here. Fucking gay.

Huahuahuahuhauhauha, I just imagined the scene in my mind hahahahahaha
I don't know how loud this shit should be when I record it. The only way to control it is by lowering the level in my DAW (reaper). It's so loud and when it hit's those super high frequencies, it makes my head feel like it's gonna explode like a motherfucker.
Oh yeah dude, when I made mine I dropped the fader (in Reaper) down to like -43 db - better to be able to have your power amp turned up than have to turn it down cuz you're hitting it with such a retardedly hot signal (probably bad for the power tubes as well)
When you make the impulse, it should be loud enough to deal with the noise floor, but not loud enough to get distortion. You don't want distortion cause impulses are linear and can't model distortion. Longer impulses are better cause they'll eliminate the noise floor. Also, if your deconvolution program supports swept sines instead of MLS (white noise), you should use that because it has some neat properties that make it more resilient to distortion and noise and such.

Here's the awesome thing about MLS and sine sweeps (allpass impulses in general): Mathematically speaking, they're like an impulse smeared out in time. With an impulse, you get a really bad noise floor because it's just one little pop and your speakers can only put out so much power, so you're got peak power over a very small interval of time. With a sine sweep or the like, you can get the same amount of noise with way more actual signal because you're getting the same amount of volume as the single impulse, but over a way longer period of time.

Mathematically, doubling the length of the swept sine lowers the noise floor by 3dB. So you could, say, play the sweep at a more reasonable volume and use a really long sweep. Kinda silly though.