Ampeg VL series amps


Sounds like shit!
Oct 22, 2006
Atlanta, GA

A local used store has what I believe is an Ampeg VL series amp. I'm not sure what model exactly because I just sort of glanced at it, but it has a built in power attenuator. It's priced at $400.

It's a tube head I know that's for sure. I tried to find info on it, but couldn't find much.

Anyway, do any of you guys have any experience with such amps?
I'm wanting to be able to get metal sounds for recording harder bands here because I hate having to mic up/line out crates and beringher amps. dammit.
I just tried it out. it's a VL-1002.

I believe the Lee Jackson ones are modded, this one is stock.

They only had a Crate Blue Voodoo cab to run i through. I think it would sound good through some proper speakers. dude tried to shoot me shit on how the Blue voodoo speakers were Celestions. it doesn't matter, they sound like shit anyway, i don't care who makes them. i've got one here at my house i've been trying to record with the past few weeks and i hate it's highs.

The lowest he can go is $440 including tax. dammit, i only have $300.

You guys think it's a good buy, or should i just wait until i have around $500 and try to get a 5150 or similar? i know a guy that's trying to sell an XXX.
All Ampeg VL series models were designed by Lee Jackson. The idea was to match their mass production with his custom work to create amps that were 'modded' straight out of the box.

In terms of features the VL503 is probably the best amp I will ever own, but in terms of sound I've never gotten it to produce a low-, mid-, or high-gain tone that didn't sound like a DOD pedal with a dead battery. :erk:
I just sold an audio snake and bought the amp. I don't know how the fuck that happened.

I'm afraid of what your saying about the pedal thing, but i've only got cheapass crate cabinets here to use it with. damn. you can't tell what the hell an amp is supposed to sound like with these things.

I'll let you guys know how i feel about it later i guess....
I just sold an audio snake and bought the amp. I don't know how the fuck that happened.

I'm afraid of what your saying about the pedal thing, but i've only got cheapass crate cabinets here to use it with. damn. you can't tell what the hell an amp is supposed to sound like with these things.

I'll let you guys know how i feel about it later i guess....

The Blue Voodoo cabs came with Vintage 30's for a while and always come with celestion speakers. They are actually not bad cabs, those Ampeg guitar heads aren't that good though.
They only had a Crate Blue Voodoo cab to run i through. I think it would sound good through some proper speakers. dude tried to shoot me shit on how the Blue voodoo speakers were Celestions. .

If the cab had a $700 price tag it had v30's in it and is the only cab worth shit that crate makes. If it was labeled "celestion equiped" then it has 70 eighty speakers in it. If there is no label on the front then tell the sales dude he is a fucktard! :lol:

No label means shitty ass crate speakers, and yes they sound like shit.
I've got two crate cabs here, one's a small cab with noname speakers and the other is my friend's blue voodoo cab it has noname speaks too. i took the backs off last night to check. they sound so shit i can hardly stand it.

Have any of you guys used Avatar cabs? I know they're really cheap and a few people have recommended them to me. It doesn't look like they make an angled cab though, just straight.
for the money the avatars are the best you will find except maybe if you get a killer deal on a Bogner cab.
I've played a VL-1002 and a VL-502 in the past and I thought both of them kicked ass for as low of a price you could get them. They had more than enough gain for metal, IMO...Granted, I was playing them with EMG-equipped guitars, but still plenty of gain anyway. They had a couple in good condition at the local GC for 300 bucks, so I'd try to talk them down, personally.