
Dead Winter

Apr 30, 2002
I'm in the market for a new amp, but I'm not playing gigs or anything...just something for the dorm room and the occasional playing out with friends. I've got a P.O.S. Peavey Rage 8" amp just for personal playing, but I'm looking for something with a little more balls.

I don't want a stack or cabinet, something no bigger than two 12"s in it. I'd like to try to stay under $500 though. Something that wouldn't sound too bad if it were mic'ed. Any suggestions?
i recently purchased a line6 flextone2 xl for £700.....line 6 are expensive but the amp is the greatest thing i have ever bought. if you want something for around $500 i suggest you take a look at the line6 spiders....not to expensive and they have some great tones, you can just play around with them forever and you still wouldnt have discovered everything they are capable of doing! and you can SHRED OUT SOME SERIOUS METAL!!!!!!!
I'm not a huge fan of Crate amps, but for what you're going to use it for, a Crate GFX212 may work ok for you. It goes for about $450 and it's 120 watts, 2x12" speakers and has built in effects so you won't have to worry about getting pedals. There's also a 65 watt version with 1 12" that goes for around $380. (Musicians Friend catalog)