Ampsim comparison GuitarRig 3 Revalver MKIII

Mr. Beamer

New Metal Member
Dec 17, 2008
I made this clip with a DI Track i`ve found on this forum

Plugin chain was TSS > Amp`s (Ultrasonic, 6505) > Guitarhack Final2 impulse

No post processing!

1st is GuitarRig 2nd Revalver. This Ultrasonic amp has much more low-end, so i cranked up the bass in Revalver. Little less post gain i think. All other knob`s untouched. Ultrasonic also untouched, only a bit more treble and mid`s.

The question is: Who sounds better? and sorry for my fucking english:puke:
both sound a wee-bit too gainy a compressed for my taste, but I'd like to hear how these function in a whole mix.