Amputee happy to be reunited with foot


vvv Jake's ass vvv
Jul 6, 2002

Fortunately for Ezekiel Rubottom, there’s no law against keeping your severed foot in a bucket on the front porch.

Rubottom, a 21-year-old Lawrence resident, ex-pressed relief Monday after police gave him back his left foot, which he began storing in a five-gallon bucket of formaldehyde on the porch at 627 Conn. after it was amputated three weeks ago. Police seized the foot Saturday, thinking it could have been evidence of a crime, but returned it after verifying Rubottom was the rightful owner.

“It’s cool. It’s all good,” Rubottom said. “Now I’ve got my foot back. That’s all I wanted.”

Rubottom, an artist, occasional hip-hop emcee and recovering methamphetamine addict, is technically homeless right now but often stays with a friend at the home on Connecticut. He said he was born with a clubbed left foot and struggled throughout his life with pressure sores and infections.

Earlier this summer, a bone infection in the foot got so bad that he had to have it amputated at Lawrence Memorial Hospital. He decided to keep it.

1. best news ever that you can keep amputated parts because that may mean that you can also keep aborted fetuses! i mean, obviously, a woman SHOULD have a right to keep it. it's her's, just like it's that guy's foot and so he has rights to it.

2. should i go steal that foot before someone else does?