an ancient sign... lyrics

Celtik Militia

Dumb French Bastard
Aug 12, 2004
well in the little booklet of Fate Of Norns, if you look at the lyrics for An Ancient Sign Of Coming Storm, you will see some swedish talk.. which isn't in the song
now wtf is that about? :p
why the heck isn't it in the song?
and what does it mean?
i meant to start a thread about this a while ago but i kept forgetting.
i don't know if you guys have already discussed this cause the fate of norns album was released a while ago now, if you did i'm sorry to be such a bother :p
you mean this?

"Där tog en nordig vind
skeppet, så att kungen
ombord fördes med
till strid mot två kungar
De djärva kungarna
hälsade med pilskott
Ordlöst i striden
Sköldarnas buller räckte."

don't know what it means, but sounds interesting =)