An Artist's Dream


Sep 18, 2004
San Diego
Hey ladies! I just had the coolest vision last night for a new art project. It was real intense! My visions always show me the finished product. Colors and all the details. This vision, however, did not show me the colors. That means that I have to get that info from you all. Please let me know what your favorite colors are. It doesn't have to be just one. But if you all could get back to me on this, I'd appreciate it! I'm looking forward to getting started on this project right away!! :hotjump: Stay fierce!!

Much metal and magic. :rock:
Visions work a little differently. These are gifts from the Great Spirit and they have no monetary value. I do make money with my art, but I'll be the first to admit that I give away more than I sell. That is why I am well taken care of. I have been watched over by my Creator. In the eyes of many, I might not seem to have much, but the happiness I have in my heart tells me that I am rich!! What you give, is what you get. That is the circle of life!!

An old Comanche saying: Mikatuye Onasin (We are all related). So I'm just sending my sisters some love!! :grin:
Mr Toast said:
So how's the piece coming?

Pretty good so far. I already did a piece for the Maiden-s. This is something that came to me but I think the ladies will like it. I'll keep you all posted.
MiniMurray said:
wait- are we all retarded or related? j/k, i know it's a typo :loco: back at ya \m/
NO you are related to me, I'm the one who is retarded!!HA!HA! :lol: :lol: :lol: Good eye MiniMurray!! You're so fucking cool!!! That's what I get for taking myself so seriously. Stay fierce my friend!!