An even better reason to carry a gun . . .

Nate The Great

What would Nathan do?
May 10, 2002
No . . . a pack of negroes haven't moved into my area of the boonies. I've always tried to carry a gun to kill the occasional coyote or prarie dog, but now there's been a warning issued by local game wardens telling us to watch for wild hogs. Apparently these things have been quickly moving west, and they've been spotted just a few miles east of my families farm and ranch. The males can be around 400 pounds. They have tusks and long hair, so they aren't exactly like the hogs you might be thinking of . . . but they aren't exactly like the razorbacks you see in Arkansas or parts of Texas. They are supposed to be territorial and extremely aggressive. We've been told to kill them, if we see them. A local guy had his pickup attacked, while he was in it. The hog took three blasts from a shotgun before it died . . . and that was at near point blank range.

I'll keep you updated on this stunning turn of events in Western Kansas.
Wild hogs are bastards, I've killed one myself with my 12 gauge. You're right though, it takes more than one shot to get the fuckers down unless you can hit them directly in the head, but they're damn fast for being so big. Mean bastards, they are. Done with this post I am now.
Thanatopsis123 said:
Huh? What other wild hogs are in the U.S. other than razorbacks? As far as I knew, razorbacks, originally brought over by the Spanish, were the only ones.

Domesticated hogs released into the wild are the other ones. They grow tusks and longer hair. The tusks are normally trimmed when they are domesticated, but I'm not sure about the hair thing. I'm just a cattle guy . . . no hogs on my ranch.
Nate The Great said:
Domesticated hogs released into the wild are the other ones. They grow tusks and longer hair. The tusks are normally trimmed when they are domesticated, but I'm not sure about the hair thing. I'm just a cattle guy . . . no hogs on my ranch.

Well, if you do happen to kill one, take pics! That way we can all be like: :OMG: .