An image by me.



This image might seem somewhat out of place on this forum. First because it's pretty large, and then because it has very little photos in it. But I'll post it anyway.

Kind of a desert consisting of vanilla, blood, apple sauce and paper. The texture in the background comes from the palm of my hand, the rest is Ultra Fractal and photoshop.
I'm playing around with photoshop layers/filters, and I would like to hear some comments/tips.

BTW, does anyone else listen to Arcturus around here?
I just discovered this band a few weeks ago, and they're awesome.
Anyway... thanks for clicking on my thread. :)
Having studied arts during 3 years, all I can say is that artwork is simply incredible...already set it as my wallpaper :)
wonderful job noneless!
Oh and, of course, I listen to Arcturus which I think is wonderful. My favorite on the Sham Mirrors is For The End Yet Again...
Hey thanks!

I wasn't sure this bird was gonna fly.
I'm currently working on an image that will follow this style, but be more detailed and hopefully more weird. :)
This was kind of a "lite version".

"Police, police, police
please stop the Euro
from binar bin Laden
Io paramount Pan
Io Paradox Pan"