Wisconsin P.R.O.G. presents an all ages show featuring:
Battlestar Cadillactica
Strange Land
Dimension X
January 12th @ 7:00 PM
Miramar Theater
2844 North Oakland
Milwaukee, WI 53211
(414) 963-0916
If you live in the Milwaukee area and dig progressive/melodic metal, this promises to be a cool show. We're very excited to be playing with our good friends in Battlestar again. Dimension X is a very cool band, and Shadowcaster promises to bring the thrash. Check it out if you have nothing better to do on a cold winter night in Milwaukee.
Strange Land
Battlestar Cadillactica
Strange Land
Dimension X
January 12th @ 7:00 PM
Miramar Theater
2844 North Oakland
Milwaukee, WI 53211
(414) 963-0916
If you live in the Milwaukee area and dig progressive/melodic metal, this promises to be a cool show. We're very excited to be playing with our good friends in Battlestar again. Dimension X is a very cool band, and Shadowcaster promises to bring the thrash. Check it out if you have nothing better to do on a cold winter night in Milwaukee.
Strange Land