an interesting interview


Feb 25, 2002
with a great band/group: with even more interesting views. this devil worship "bit" really intrigues me since i can't see how someone can come to the conclusion that the devil figure is a "divine" deity whom you should worship. too bad it's not more in-depth concerning their beliefs, a nice read anyway.

i assume that the ammount of orthodox devil worshipers in here who could tell me of his belifes is pretty scarse, but perhas some thoughts on the subject could be given
I ended up skimming through and then giving up on that interview. Can't really fathom out half of what that guy's saying.
You wouldn't imagine how painful it was for us to give birth to the abomination this album is.

Give me a fucking break. Some people take themselves far too seriously. Although I must admit I'm still intrigued.
I kind of like the concept of pure orthodox devil worship in black metal; it may not be logical or something I'd try myself but it's evil as fuck and that's what black metal is supposed to be.
Erik said:
but even if I do not agree it's certainly refreshing to see such intelligence in metal.

yes indeed, the more orthodox satanic bands (ondskapt, deathspell, watain etc), be their opinions as they may, are really trying to make something intelligent and worthwhile and that is something that's pretty rare, not only within the (black) metal scene but for culture aimed at younger people in general.
Their belifes are not half way intellegent.

saying that the devil exists it just like saying that god exists and jesus exists and so on.

Homosexuall White Metal! That is what it's really is.
christian metal.

funny how so many people are falling for this new trend.
Devoted2Hell said:
Their belifes are not half way intellegent.

saying that the devil exists it just like saying that god exists and jesus exists and so on.

Homosexuall White Metal! That is what it's really is.
christian metal.

funny how so many people are falling for this new trend.

New trend? How the hell is this in any way NEW? It seems kind of ironic coming from a person with a handle "Devoted2Hell". :err:

I do agree with the first line although ideology has no impact on my opinion of music.
Devoted2Hell said:
Their belifes are not half way intellegent.

saying that the devil exists it just like saying that god exists and jesus exists and so on.

Homosexuall White Metal! That is what it's really is.
christian metal.

funny how so many people are falling for this new trend.

well my definition of intelligent is not "views that i agree with" as your seems to be. i'd call it intelligent since it's philosophical and very well written.

yes logically if the devil exists then so should god. but i think that's a pretty crude simplification of it all. now i wont go to any lengths defending their opinions, but one could assume that they see god and the devil as equals, only that the followers of one has made their version the official one, and that the darker one appeals more to them, thus they worship it/him.

a trend? how many bands are there within the black metal scene that regard the devil as a divine beeing who should be worshiped? ten? that's not what i would call a trend...
Out of curiosity, does the concept of Satan predate the Old Testament? To the best of my knowledge, it does not. And to that end, I find it ironic that the same people who find the Bible foolish, believe in one of its characters.

General Zod said:
Out of curiosity, does the concept of Satan predate the Old Testament? To the best of my knowledge, it does not. And to that end, I find it ironic that the same people who find the Bible foolish, believe in one of its characters.

Lucifer is a fallen angel in the Bible, right? Perhaps that is the only mention of Satan in that context.

Otherwise, the Hindu culture, ancient Egyptians, Nubians, etc. There are hundreds of references to demons, devils, and evil etc. The Old Testament isn't exactly very old....
Haha, dinosaur fossils are a test of faith. :loco:

So anyway, I bumped this thread to learn more about Deathspell Omega. Can someone give me a quick rundown of music style/similarities?
Ayeka said:
I still don't get why people insist that there MUST be a God if there's a Satan....
Because Lucifer was kicked out of heaven by Jesus's daddy for being a naughty boy.

Kali Ma would kick Lucifers ass. He's just an angel without wings. :loco:
Maybe he didn't get kicked out of heaven though. Maybe he's the only heavenly body knocking around. Maybe Deicide are the real prophets down here :saint: who knows eh?