An Offical Royal Carnage Roundtable: Darkthrone

Papa Josh

Minister of Propaganda
This "unofficial official" roundtable I hereby dedicate to Darkthrone. All opinions, good or bad are welcome. But first, let's start by listing your faves, if you can..

1. Panzerfaust
2. Ravishing Grimness
3. Blaze In The Northern Sky
4. Plague Wielder
5. Total Death
6. Hate Them
7. Soulside Journey Under A Funeral Moon
8. Under A Funeral Moon

At the moment, at least for me... "Hate Them" is growing on me though..
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JayKeeley said:
What about my thread on the Darkthrone re-releases? Now it will just get ignored... :(

And you forgot Transilvanian Hunger you bastard.

As stated in the other thread, I don't much care for Transilvanian Hunger, so I can't list it as a fave... and upon your suggestion I went and read Erik's review. I can see where he is coming from and understand his opinion, but I don't agree. That album to me just isn't very enjoyable. First, the repetitive drumming was at a ridiculous level. If you notice, he doesn't take the time to distinguish any songs on the album in his review, and to me that's because the songs are virtually undistinguishable! I'm sure he has a nice explanation why he didn't, hence the perfect score, but for me, the sound on this particular cd is repulsive, and yes, I know how to listen to these types of albums. I happen to love Nattens madrigal from Ulver and a few others like it.

This cd just bores the crap out of me, or as Kovenant would spell it, krap!
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JayKeeley said:
So based on your list, you're saying that Under..and Transilvanian...are not necessarily your faves. And they are the classics are they not?

If high end, trebly, underproduced for the sake of it is your thing than by all means, I guess they are classics. Under... is good, don't get me wrong, I just haven't played a lot lately, as I stated all spots shift from time to time..
I only have Transylvanian Hunger and Hate Them. When I have more money I will definitely add to my collection.

Transylvanian Hunger is one of the best BM albums I've ever heard. It is a totally different vibe than say Mayhem or Burzum, but at the same time it has a totally black and misanthropic atmosphere.

Hate Them has the same misanthropic atmosphere, but at the moment it isn't quite as black to me. It continues to get better, though.
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1. Transilvanian Hunger
2. A Blaze In The Northern Sky
3. Panzerfaust
4. Under A Funeral Moon
5. Total Death
6. Hate Them
7. Plaguewielder
8. Ravishing Grimness

I'm not going to include Goatlord, 'cause I haven't heard all of it. Soulside Journey is really a very high-quality death metal albums and songs like "Cromlech" are fucking godly. That said, I have trouble ranking it with albums that are so different... Um... Let's just say it's a very good album.

If you notice, he doesn't take the time to distinguish any songs on the album in his review, and to me that's because the songs are virtually undistinguishable!
They're not, you know. They're just of very equal quality. (AND with very similar song structures, AND very similar riffs, I'll give you that, though that's not negative.) Anyway, I won't rant a lot about why I love TH nor why you should, let's just say one has to be in a certain type of mood to enjoy it fully.

Anyway, also... Your ranking of Ravishing... in 2nd place puzzles me. I mean, even if you only like newer Darkthrone I can't understand how you could place that above Hate Them and Plaguewielder. Oh well.
1. Transilvanian Hunger
2. A Blaze In The Northern Sky
3. Under A Funeral Moon
4. Panzerfaust
5. Plaguewielder
6. Soulside Journey
7. Total Death
8. Goatlord
9. Hate Them
10. Ravishing Grimness

Ravishing Grimness is the only one I don't really like... I mean it is "ok".. But that's all. Of newer Darkthrone, Plaguewielder is soo much better.
Really? I don't know, I guess it's because Ravishing Grimness came out and basically got me interested in Darkthrone again. Don't forget it has one of my favorite Darkthrone songs of all time, "The Claws Of Time." That riff is just monu-metal.

The title track rrrrrips, "Lifeless" is awesome, "Across The Vacuum," ditto.

I like Plaguewielder very much, including the excellent use of colors on the booklet... still absorbing "Hate Them"..
Papa Josh said:
If high end, trebly, underproduced for the sake of it is your thing than by all means, I guess they are classics.

Word! :tickled:

I only have Under A Funeral Moon. Listened to it, what, twice? ^_^ it'll probably grow on me. Still disagree with the worthwhility of not being able to hear drums...
O/T, but I wanted to publically say that Erik's chat with Fenriz was great! I laughed my ass off a couple of times, and Erik did an incredible job especially considering it was his debut interview. Bravo!
I liked it at first, and now I find Hate Them to be pretty unadventurous. I dunno - it doesn't maintain my goldfish like attention span. I agree that it might take some time, however...
Here's my bit on Darkthrone:

Back in 93-94, I had really strayed from the metal path. I think it was a combination of being a little burnt out on it, not hearing much worth-while, and discovering different kinds of music.

A friend of mine played Transylvanian Hunger for me sometime in 94, and I shit myself. In retrospect, it wasn't that good, but I credit Darkthrone, and that album for sparking my interest in underground metal again. Suddenly I was obsessed with finding more of their stuff, and black metal in general. It didn't take long for the black metal obsession to subside, but by that time, I was excited about metal again, and have been ever since.

Favorite Darkthrone albums (I have them all):

Under a Funeral Moon
Another note about DT that's probably only interesting to me... but fuck it. :)

I remember making what seemed at the time a long venture to a record store on the other side of town back in 91. On this particular jaunt, I bought 2 cds by bands I had never heard of, simply because they were on Peaceville.

(On a side note, while the internet is ultimately great, it sure has taken away the adventure of buying unknown stuff. Kids have it so easy today...)

Anyway, those two albums were Soulside Journey by Darkthrone and Of Darkness by Therion. What makes me laugh now is that I thought Soulside Journey was very boring and I sold it, while I loved the Therion album and still have it. I had no idea that my opinions of each band would change so radically...
bloodfiredeath said:
Here's my bit on Darkthrone:

Back in 93-94, I had really strayed from the metal path. I think it was a combination of being a little burnt out on it, not hearing much worth-while, and discovering different kinds of music.

A friend of mine played Transylvanian Hunger for me sometime in 94, and I shit myself. In retrospect, it wasn't that good, but I credit Darkthrone, and that album for sparking my interest in underground metal again. Suddenly I was obsessed with finding more of their stuff, and black metal in general. It didn't take long for the black metal obsession to subside, but by that time, I was excited about metal again, and have been ever since.

That's a very cool story, I don't have one anywhere near as good :(
bloodfiredeath said:
(On a side note, while the internet is ultimately great, it sure has taken away the adventure of buying unknown stuff. Kids have it so easy today...)

Not this CD-buying freak. There's nothing I enjoy more than buying something completely unknown while in a metal store, and I do it about 3-4 times a year @ Vintage Vinyl here in NJ. Great store BTW, check 'em at Anyway, I can't even count how many bands I found and got into by buying CDs "blind." Of course I can't quite afford that these days, but that's another story... :D
Add to that the fact that Fenriz is notorious for being a difficult interviewee, and I'd say Erik did great!
No, man, ever since before Ravishing Grimness, he's been totally easy to talk to. Before that, he had a TNBM image to uphold.

Fenriz said:
2. I heard the advance of your new album, more in the old black metal style like Bathory why?
We are the New Darkthrone. We deny old Darkthrone stuff. We formed in 1991. All has changed. Unholy black metal and satanic poetry are us. We hate death metal and trendy scene. We will not be part of it. To isolate is what we must do to make black metal pure! If you want to stop an eventual black metal trend; stop writing a zine and isolate! We, the hordes of satanas are not trying to save everybody, nether do we want to spread our dark knowledge. We are no missonaries! Stay dark and occult. We have fired members of our band and we have nothing to do with old Darkthrone. We have boycotted all live stuff, we do not wish to play with any trendy band.

Fenriz said:
Are you into gory horror films? They seem to be part of your lyric influence.....
Do you say that my lyrics are gore! (Nope! I don't, cause I know they aren't, boy! - Leif). Splatter? Fucken idiot, you must have got the CARCASS album instead. MY LYRICS ARE SATANIC POETRY! I only watch occasional films. I like deep movies...I actually like all kind of films!

Then Euronymous died and they signed to Moonfog. He's not like that anymore. Makes a lot of jokes and is generally nice.