An Old Jewish Chant, new track from the guys

i suppose this is not an album thing or is it?
what is the video about and why did they record this or shot this video?
to be honest i find it a bit boring, no offense
i wonder what would happen if a turkish metal band were to make an islamic version of this thing :p
i suppose this is not an album thing or is it?
what is the video about and why did they record this or shot this video?
to be honest i find it a bit boring, no offense
i wonder what would happen if a turkish metal band were to make an islamic version of this thing :p

it was made for memorial day to the soldiers who gave their life for this country and for the victims of terror against israel worldwide(like the olympic team in munich for instance)
Did the Israeli government change when Yom Haatzmaut and the memorial day falls out on? That's what someone told me last week
i suppose this is not an album thing or is it?
what is the video about and why did they record this or shot this video?
to be honest i find it a bit boring, no offense
i wonder what would happen if a turkish metal band were to make an islamic version of this thing :p
As you can guess, this is not an official Orphaned Land stuff. No statement by the band anywhere or things like this. This is NOT a video clip from the band.

Only the music of Orphaned Land has been used. This video was only intented for Israel.

Moreover, this song has been played at the Oud Festival, and this recording was originally only a proof to know if it will sound great or not. May be it will be on the next album, may be not... The fact is that this recording you can hear on the video was already recorded last November (if i'm not mistaken, cause some of us already heard it then, but i don't remember if it is the same version). It was not intentionally done for this video, as far as I know.
thanks for the information. as you may guess i was confused since i didn't know anything about the purpose of the video, sorry if my previous comment was inappropriate.
so this is for the memorial.. nice.
Very impressive! Is this music going to be on the upcoming album? Wow, I'm really looking forward to it. I wonder if it'll top Mabool - that'd be quite an accomplishment. The guitar playing here is just incredible.