AN original instrumental track by my BB friend Jack-Burton

Hey fellas! :)

My friend form the Maiden BB shared one of his tracks with me, and asked me to share it with you all too. It's an instrumental guitar piece, very cool. :cool:

I've placed it on our songs page, under the IMG heading.

Jack's expressed an interest in participating here, so he'll probably be along sometime soon. :)

He'd welcome any commentary/crticisms/suggestions, etc so feel free to post some thoughts on his track.

Cheers! :rock:
Hey, thanks! On the UM board, I go by TravisW, so I figure I may as well be as confusing as possible, eh? Anyways, this was something I sort of wrote and recorded from midnight to 2am on Sept 29. It is also the first time I have ever recorded my own drumming. I drum like a lead guitar player, but at least I didn't drop the sticks.
Gave it a that a bass on the bottom? Ya got a wierd sound out of it...almost like a synth..or is that both bass and keys? progression you came with there to jam on top of. I had some fun with it myself. :grin:

Solo improvised? Or did you map it out?
Everything but the drums was done on a Peavey Wolfgang Special. For the "Bass", I tuned the low E to an A, ran the guitar through an old Apollo Fuzz-Wah, into a Peavey Bandit. I did some clean volume swells behind the bass---it's mixed really low. For the rhythm guitars, I used the same funky old fuzz pedal. For the lead, I just used the distortion channel on the Bandit. The lead was pretty much improvised---I did about three runs through and kept the third. The "verse theme" was the only thing that I knew for certain that I was going to do, and I just did variations on that.

Thanks for listening, and for the good comments!!!
Originally posted by TravisW
Everything but the drums was done on a Peavey Wolfgang Special. For the "Bass", I tuned the low E to an A, ran the guitar through an old Apollo Fuzz-Wah, into a Peavey Bandit. I did some clean volume swells behind the bass---it's mixed really low. For the rhythm guitars, I used the same funky old fuzz pedal. For the lead, I just used the distortion channel on the Bandit. The lead was pretty much improvised---I did about three runs through and kept the third. The "verse theme" was the only thing that I knew for certain that I was going to do, and I just did variations on that.

Thanks for listening, and for the good comments!!!

Got anything new in the works, JB? Anything you might like some other players on? :cool: