An original thread: Is Katatonia your favorite band?


Oct 23, 2002
Augusta, GA (Lost in the Twilight Hall)
Title says it all.

Katatonia is actually not my favorite band, but a close second. My Favorite Band of All Time is Blind Guardian, and has been for a while. I seriously doubt anyone will ever take that spot from them (although for a while I was thinking Katatonia had).

K, your turn.
I would say that if I look at all of Katatonia's albums from first to last, the state they are in now and the direction (i think) they are heading - they would be my favorite band. Anathema was before they starting making boring music and My Dying Bride is a contender (although the last album, which was still good, left me undecided) Other than that I don't have 'favorite bands' only 'favorite releases' it's much better to think in those terms, imo.
For the last two years or so, I would have to say that my two favorite bands are toss-up between Katatonia and Isis. I think after the new Katalbum comes out this year, it will be easier to say who is my absolute favorite.
My favourite band was Emperor. But since they are no more, i guess its Katatonia now.
if i had to choose one favourite band, it would be Primordial. but there's a bunch of bands close to them on my top list:

Katatonia, In The Woods, Anathema (up to Judgement), Dornenreich, Orphaned Land, Morgion, Hollenthon, Ancient Rites, Agalloch, Candlemass, Nevermore, Root, The Provenance, Madder Mortem...
Katatonia, Anathema, My Dying Bride

and Offspring ;] not much but.. ;] oh maybe Iced earth (without latest record) but recently I don't listen to it
Katatonia are not mine either, although I do hold them in very high regard.

Favourite band of all time, New Model Army (fave for last 20 years now).
Closely followed by Opeth and Queen.

Anything Mr. Swanö touches seems to feature way up there over the last few years too.

Other favourites include Katatonia, Fields Of The Nephilim, Paatos, Anathema (Darren was my neighbour for 2 years before he went travelling again), Bloodbath, The Mission, Saturnus, Cemetery Of Scream, Altar, Orphanage, Within Temptation, At The Gates, Gates Of Ishtar, Sacrilege, In Flames, Dark Tranquillity, etc.

Most of my girlfriends don't share my taste in music, although Katatonia are usually the only band other than New Model Army that they are keen to accompany me to see.
Katatonia is not only my favorite band but a reason to live.When they come in istanbul i will have the happiest moments in my life.I fell in love with them in 96.But if they insist on going this way (i don't like VE so much.VE is not like katatonia.If this album made by an another band i would like VE more.They are begining to lose something that can not be inexplicable.) they will be only my favorite band.
I've got about 10 favorite bands, and since they are all from different genres from hiphop to doom metal, it'd be stupid to compare them :)

But Katatonia is my favorite metal/rock-band together with Porcupine Tree.
A year ago I would have said yes. Now I dont have a favorite band. Katatonia are still a favorite of mine but I like too much music and my preferences change from day to day.