An unknown thrash classic remastered!!!


24 Hours Ago...
Jan 2, 2005
City beneath the surface
I've been trying to turn a few of the thrash fans onto Deliverance for quite sometime on this board. Recently, Weapons of Our Warfare, has gotten the remaster treatment and this long out of print classic has not been easy to get over the years. With that said, I'm going to pimp this release to you folks. I've included the link to CD Baby's website, which also includes mp3's. So, check out an underappreciated band and classic thrash effort....Deliverance's Weapons of Our Warfare. :kickass:

Excellent album.... I still own the original which I bought back in the late 80's.... I prefer the self titled debut however....
That video was killer! It brought to mind great underated thrash bands like Forbidden and Laaz Rockit. I am gonna have to check these guys out. Thanks for posting about them.
That video was killer! It brought to mind great underated thrash bands like Forbidden and Laaz Rockit. I am gonna have to check these guys out. Thanks for posting about them.

GraveDigger, I'm glad that you liked it. The band has another later effort called, Stay of Execution, that I'd like to get my hands on as well. Hopefully, that one will be made available again in the near future.

GraveDigger, I'm glad that you liked it. The band has another later effort called, Stay of Execution, that I'd like to get my hands on as well. Hopefully, that one will be made available again in the near future.

I'm going to have to disagree with you there. I love the debut and Weapons, but I thought Stay and everything since has sucked! Especially the Weapons of our Warfare "remix" on Stay of Execution :Puke:
I'm going to have to disagree with you there. I love the debut and Weapons, but I thought Stay and everything since has sucked! Especially the Weapons of our Warfare "remix" on Stay of Execution :Puke:

Stay has its moments for me, but I agree with everything thereafter. The band changed directions in the 90's and went more into an industrial phase. I have heard some cuts from the most recent release and it sounds like a solid metal offering though.

Fantastic band. Stay Of Execution ruled as well.... I actually like most everything they've done, including Assimilation which was a big departure. I've got a signed copy of Weapons and a framed poster of it too in the basement.

Shut up Sean. Pre-emptive. hahahahaha
Fantastic band. Stay Of Execution ruled as well.... I actually like most everything they've done, including Assimilation which was a big departure. I've got a signed copy of Weapons and a framed poster of it too in the basement.

Shut up Sean. Pre-emptive. hahahahaha

That's cool! I haven't heard anything past their Camelot in Smithereens album. Have you seen them live before, hence the signed Weapons and poster?

Yeah, only once though - in 1993 here in Atlanta at the old InnerSeeds festival. My old band Final Judgement opened for Vengeance Rising, Mortal and Living Sacrifice way back in the day. i got to meet George Ochoa from Deliverance and play that guitar he used in the WOOW video. That was pretty fun....

The newer Deliverance stuff is cool, but different. "As Above, So Below" is really heavy and a cool album, but not their best. "Assimilate" is very industrial sounding but very, very cool. I love that record. I can't remember if "River Disturbance" came before or after Camelot, but it's killer too.
Yeah, only once though - in 1993 here in Atlanta at the old InnerSeeds festival. My old band Final Judgement opened for Vengeance Rising, Mortal and Living Sacrifice way back in the day. i got to meet George Ochoa from Deliverance and play that guitar he used in the WOOW video. That was pretty fun....

The newer Deliverance stuff is cool, but different. "As Above, So Below" is really heavy and a cool album, but not their best. "Assimilate" is very industrial sounding but very, very cool. I love that record. I can't remember if "River Disturbance" came before or after Camelot, but it's killer too.

That's cool. I'm assuming this was a "Christian Metal Festival" then? I've never been into the other three bands you mentioned, because Deliverance just stood heads and shoulders above the rest for me. I believe Camelot was suppose to be their last effort before they called it quits, but reunited a few years back.

That's cool. I'm assuming this was a "Christian Metal Festival" then? I've never been into the other three bands you mentioned, because Deliverance just stood heads and shoulders above the rest for me. I believe Camelot was suppose to be their last effort before they called it quits, but reunited a few years back.


Nah, it was a CCM fest, with everything from death metal (us and Royal Anguish) to pop. It was 3 days. Deliverance were the only band that played that year, but the other shows were when the bands came through Atlanta. Big D were definitely the best, although LS are really killer as well....
...I've been listening to the remastered version since last week. It hit me this morning that this cd reminds me of early Nevermore more than anything.

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That self titled Deliverance album rules. (Temporary Insanity FTW!) I saw them once with Sacred Warrior and Tourniquet back in 89. Killer live show. I haven't paid too much attention to anything after What a Joke, although Learn had a couple of tunes on it that I liked. I have been meaning to check out As Above, So Below. Thanks for reminding me!