Anacrusis on "indefinite" hiatus

Justin G

Jul 28, 2007
Northern VA
St. Louis, MO-based metallers are going on hiatus, checking in with the following message to fans:

"Thanks to everyone who supported us and helped make the last couple of years so memorable. The reunion shows/festivals were great and it was awesome to have the opportunity to play for you again. Anacrusis are now taking an indefinite break from playing or any other band activities."

This sucks. I was really hoping for some kind of US festival appearance and some new music.
They were playing festivals and issuing music (old music, but still). If that's a hiatus, then it applies to Blacksmith and Overlorde SR as well.

But the thing wrong with your argument is both blacksmith and Overlorde SR are working on new material, never heard about Anacrusis doing so. But after all the years since the last studio album and there as been nothing but demos and re-issuing; no actually it isn't fair to compare Blacksmith and Overlorde SR to it simply because both of those bands are at it again while Anacrusis basically stopped putting out new material many years ago. So only grabbing festivals here and there over a 20 year span strikes me as a hiatus. Wasn't the last KIT a couple of years ago?
It sucks that they have not done anything new in so long. I would have rather seen a new album over all the demo collections and re-issues.
If playing Keep It True, Rock Hard Festival and 70,000 Ton Of Metal, while playing 3-4 shows in their hometown is a "hiatus" well then there are plenty of bands on "hiatus" out there that don't really know it. Who says they weren't working on new material? You happen to know the inner workings of H&H bands, but i know inner workings of my bands (usually). A few years ago they were working on new material but I assume they don't have time or desire to finish it. Also, you know that those Euro festivals are booking a year in advance or more. Also a band on hiatus doesn't keep climbing the festival ranks to bigger things, but because of how the festival circuit works on a yearly basis that is how it is done. Anacrusis have jobs/lives so touring cannot happen, so festival circuit it is.

I myself have been working on a new KWD album for over 3 years now and we haven't put out an album in nearly 6 years. I don't consider us on hiatus because I still do stuff for the band (which is my own fault and decision i made years ago that KWD would never officially "break up" ever). Hiatus to me is when you can walk away 100% with no responsibility.
I was thinking the KIT was their last show.
Still man it has been a seriously long time, 20 years since the last album come on.
So under this logic would Zepplin be active again, there is re-issues about to be released and I believe they did a couple of shows a couple of years ago.
I was thinking the KIT was their last show.
Still man it has been a seriously long time, 20 years since the last album come on.
So under this logic would Zepplin be active again, there is re-issues about to be released and I believe they did a couple of shows a couple of years ago.

Not when the Zep members say there will never be a tour and that they were only doing that single show to celebrate the life of their friend.

But Anacrusis went like this.

Keep It True (First year back) 1,500-2,000 capacity (guessing)
Rock Hard (Second) 5,000 capacity
70,000 Tons Of Metal (Third) who the hell knows capacity

In between all those years shows in St. Louis.
I was disappointed that their guitarist left and I didn't care at all for the new songs but I was still hoping for a new release and a chance to catch them live.