Anal Cunt

They make me laugh my ass off :D It's dumb and immature but WTF who cares - it's funny :tickled: You gotta love those song titles ...
Blinded By Blood said:
Seth Putnam is my god :>
Have you ever heard of Impaled Northern Moonforest? It was a BM band Seth sang for, and it's fantastic. You can't go wrong with a song called "Lustfully Worshipping The Inverted Moongoat While Skiing Down The Inverted Necromountain Of Necrodeathmortum". :D
I think that Seth also does an instrumental horror Surf band - The Crimson Ghosts
where they play instrumental surf covers of misfits songs !! its great and very creepy!!
I like the song titles... turned a co-worker on to them last night....

The music? Meh...
OMG anal cunt and impaled northern moon forest have the best song titles i ever read. period.

"grim and frostbitten gay bar"
... i just can't stop laughing.