Anal Gore Terror- "Festering Caverns of Ass"

The Deathrace King

Jul 19, 2002
The Left Hand Path
So, my brother and I recorded three songs for a sort of pornogrind parody project with a submitted bass track from my friend in TN... we call ourselves Anal Gore Terror.

I play the drums (I beat my hands really hard on our desk), and supply back up vocals.

'Magus' from TN plays bass...

... and the lead vox are performed by my brother's ass. During the summer, he recorded 21 loud farts which we play and loop to act as vocals. Also, he plays guitar... sort of... he just makes a lot of noise on it.

We bunched all the equipment in front of our computer microphone, and recorded 1 6-second intro, and two 36 second "songs."

So far, I've gotten nothing but good reviews... being compared with the almighty Impaled Northern Moonforest.

Unfortunately, I'm not going to spend a dime to store these files anywhere, but if you IM me at ArsonistSavior on Soulseek, I'll add you to my list so you can download them, or if you IM me on AIM at Christermination, I'll send them to you.

Uh... don't expect anything resembling quality. :lol: