Ancient VVisdom - for fans of Ghost, Alice In Chains

Aug 14, 2008
So on a whim, I decided to check out the latest Ancient VVisdom (yes their name is spelled with two Vs in lieu of a W. Retarded - but I wasn't the one who named them lol!).

This band has been getting its fair share of buzz and I wasn't quite sure why. With their name, I was expecting (for lack of a better term) "Watain metal" (ie. lots of posturing and aesthesis but no substance), but their style surprisingly blew me away because it was so fresh. They're a weird occult rock band that uses alot of southern tinged acoustic flair, and even borders on neofolk influences at times. I can't help but think of Metallica's "The Unforgiven" or Alice In Chains when I listen to 'em, except with Satanic lyrics you'd expect from an occult rock band.

Check out a cut from their latest album, which came out last year but Prosthetic Records just signed 'em up and reissued it. I'd love to hear them cover "Rooster" but I'm sure their metal nerd fanbase would raeg at even the idea.

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Sorry but this band fucking blows. It sounds like a Satanic version of Everlast.

Yeah, not to pile on (too late, right?), but I saw these guys open up for Blood Ceremony and Ghost and I was thoroughly unimpressed. Their act seemed contrived (yes, even with the kitschy retro feel of the bill). Plus the lead singer "played" the drums with an industrial chain. :erk: