...and another lost classic - Triumph - Allied Forces


Steal Your Face
Feb 18, 2003
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I was planning on spacing these out more, but since conversation is moving on them, I thought I'd throw up the next I had in mind - The above mentioned....Triumph's Allied Forces

They are the other power trio from Canada, and if you've never heard this album your doing yourself a disservice! Sure, the big single (Magic Power) is radio friendly to the extreme, but there is some heavy stuff here. Namely the title track, Fool for your love, and a couple others. Rik Emmett is a great player, writer, and singer. The next album was a mild let down I thought, but for the duration that this was the latest release, I was a huge Triumph fan.

The next classic will be metal in a more obvious sense.......if not a bit controversial a choice......
You really thought Never Surrender was a let down? I have to disagree with you there. I love all their albums,,, well up to Thunder Seven anyway. They just re-released their US festival show on DVD. I highly recomend it.
Allied Forces is definitely a classic, along with their first album Just A Game. I pretty much liked everything they did right up through Never Surrender, but then they wimped out and went more to more of an AOR format. They got too poppy for my tastes, but Rik Emmet never did lose his songwriting talent. Both Rik and drummer Gil Moore share vocal duties on all albums and they both have excellent voices; clean and powerful.

Triumph will always come highly recommended from me...but then I grew up on them so I may be biased :D
Trans-Siberian Outcast said:
Allied Forces is definitely a classic, along with their first album Just A Game. I pretty much liked everything they did right up through Never Surrender, but then they wimped out and went more to more of an AOR format. They got too poppy for my tastes, but Rik Emmet never did lose his songwriting talent. Both Rik and drummer Gil Moore share vocal duties on all albums and they both have excellent voices; clean and powerful.

Triumph will always come highly recommended from me...but then I grew up on them so I may be biased :D

I agree with you for 98%. The 2% are subtracted for the fact that "Just a Game" is their 3th album. Their first album was just called "Triumph" and was released in 1976, Their second album was "Rock 'n' Roll Machine" and is from 1977.

Believe it or not, but "Just a Game" is my favorite by far. Its shows a diversity that is sadly lacking IMHO from their subsequent releases.

The original vinyl version had a fold out sleeve with a board game on it.
Hawk said:
I agree with you for 98%. The 2% are subtracted for the fact that "Just a Game" is their 3th album. Their first album was just called "Triumph" and was released in 1976, Their second album was "Rock 'n' Roll Machine" and is from 1977.

Believe it or not, but "Just a Game" is my favorite by far. Its shows a diversity that is sadly lacking IMHO from their subsequent releases.

The original vinyl version had a fold out sleeve with a board game on it.

I stand corrected, Hawk. My memory cells fail me in my old age. Must have been all that boozing and drugging I did as a youngster! One of my best friends had the vinyl version of Just a Game, with that board game. We actually played it a couple of times when we were flying on magic mushrooms...it wasn't very entertaining, but it was a nice novelty!
I stand corrected, Hawk. My memory cells fail me in my old age. Must have been all that boozing and drugging I did as a youngster!

So how old are you dude? I am 46.

Trans-Siberian Outcast said:
One of my best friends had the vinyl version of Just a Game, with that board game. We actually played it a couple of times when we were flying on magic mushrooms...it wasn't very entertaining, but it was a nice novelty!

I bought the album in 1979 when it came out. I still have it! And yea we have played the board game a few times, but you're right; its kinda boring. The music was way more exciting.
OK, I'll come back on my opinion a little and say that Never Surrender was good, which it was, only that it lost some of the heaviness and immediacy that Allied Forces had, in my opinion. Some of the songs were longer and more complex, but they also began to shy away from the big/fat sound from stuff like Allied Forces (the song).

An underrated band all around, by my account anyway.
wow! I haven't listenend to Triumph in sooo long..thanks for the reminder! I saw Aldo Nova, Blue Oyster Cult, Triumph and Journey ine the early 80's at the Pasadena Rosebowl! What a great show! For being such a small guy Rik can surely belt it out!
I only have their best of but undoubtedly Trhiumph is a classic rock band usually pretty underrated.

And they have that rare privilege of have a song so damn good, that if they only had made that one, their place in history will be secure anyway.

So everybody bow to 'Lay It On The Line' ;)
Damn TSO the Ambeon singer was 14 at the time of the record! Control your endorphins :p

'Magic Power'
'Tears In The Rain'