And another Tough-Guy-Hardcore-Band I mixed...


Oct 9, 2007
Hey guys ...

my newest work (and the first project with my BX5a's acutally).

The kick is replaced, Snare slightly augmented (Lasse's "Black Panther Thick"-Sample). I wanted to leave the drumset as natural, as possible.

Guess the guitars ;)

Bass is Amplitube 3 (the Gallien Kruger-amp).

Loved the vocals ... mixing them was real easy. I have to check, what mic they used.

Let's go - rip it apart!!! :D

Song-Link ... CLICK ME!!! CLIIIIICK ME!!!

Edit - Updated Mix:
Version 2
I get this feeling like the drums are lagging behind the guitar lol, i like the tone of everything tho, just sounds out of sync in my ears


for like the first 45 seconds it sounded that way. maybe im just sleep deprived lol
The snare cuts through nicely when the full song is going, but the isolated rolls are pretty disturbing. Sounds like the drummer is hitting a tobacco metal box on these occasions.

Pretty cool song.
Updated mix ... I also updated the first post.

Kick is slightly louder, I changed the EQ on guitars and bass a bit and I added a slight reverb on the master-bus.

Version 2
I like the tones of everything a lot. It really works for the mix. I think yuo should automate the snare verb down for the part where it's solo'd before the breakdown.

I'd take down the ambience on the vocals a bit. It's kind of pushing other things out of the way too much in the center of the mix.
The snare works in the mix....but it sounds horrible at those hard parts....
Guitars could use some more brightness overall...
but I like the feel of the mix
I like the tones of everything a lot. It really works for the mix. I think yuo should automate the snare verb down for the part where it's solo'd before the breakdown.

I'd take down the ambience on the vocals a bit. It's kind of pushing other things out of the way too much in the center of the mix.

This goes to all the others as well, of course:
I gotta say, that I haven't automated anything yet (I do that at the very last stage of mixing), so of course I will lower the reverb on the marchin-snare-part.
AAAND ... the overly "pingy" snare-sound is - well - you could call it the drummers "signature-sound". I literaly forced him to tune the snare lower for recording. When he plays live, the snare sounds even more piercing :D

Thanks for the other comments as well!

Guitars are a mix of the line-out of my JVM410 + Recabinet and Metal Amp Room + Recabinet.

Ah yeah ... BTW ... the name of the band is "Bravestar" ... yeah, like Marshall Bravestar.