And here comes the tumbleweed.

This forum has been particularly quiet for the last couple of months but i suppose the low profile of LYCANTHIA at the moment whilst they organise a new stable line up and start recording of the new album has contributed to this.
Netherless i am compelled to ask you all to drop by and help wake this place up! Scream, shout,make some goddamn noise!!
Any questions or queries on the band should be brought up here too so we can get this all sorted whilst the band are on a low lie to put it bluntly.
We anticipate the next release will be the strongest the band has ever had so lets look forward to that and creat some buzzz here so hopefully by the time the guys/gals return to the livefold, anticipations will be high.
Now it's up to you people!!
Doom till Death!!! :kickass: