and i thought my cell phone was completely free from spam


guitar deity
Jul 31, 2002
New England
Court Convicts Obscene Text Messager

MOSCOW (Reuters) - A teen-ager who sent an obscene text message to 15,000 cell-phone users has become the first computer whiz kid in Russia to be convicted of sending "spam."

The unnamed university student from the Urals city of Chelyabinsk hacked into one of Russia's biggest mobile phone operators and used a special program to send the message, Interfax news agency said.

He was handed a one-year suspended sentence and ordered to pay a 3,000-rouble (around $100) fine.

A spokesman for the Section K branch of the Russian police which deals with hi-tech crimes said this was the first instance a spammer had been successfully prosecuted.

Russia has gained notoriety for its large number of talented and often disaffected young computer experts, whose bedrooms are regularly suspected of spawning major viruses.
I get internet spam on my phone for some reason... I usually receive about 9 text messages per day containing the titles of email spams ("OMG DILDOS PENIS ENHANCER" type stuff) from internet addresses. Not the least annoying thing on Earth.