...and in the end, the love you take is equal to the love you make


Eyes Wide Open
Nov 15, 2001
Bay Area, California
Happy 40th Abbey Road. You're the best.

haha u guys are funny abbey road is an album, it can't actually hear you or read your messages lol

haha like them too. lol nothing against the beatles. i like their music. but i mean come on, they were the first band i ever heard in my life. :lol: you always remember your first love, and yet you move on...lol the beatles started something great though. they were truely revolutionary. great lyrics.
I can't wait till 09-09-09. It's (most likely, unless we discover immortality in the next while) my only chance to get really high and listen to Revolution 9 on loop on a 09-09-09.