And now I take my leave


Feb 26, 2007
Park Ridge, IL
I'm back from power outage/Florida, and in just a couple days I leave my folks behind to go off to school.

As much as I try and convince myself otherwise, deep down inside I'm gonna miss you guys.:cry: :lol: Not that you guys will give a shit about me, anyway.

Keep the Doom pounding while I'm gone! :kickass: And nice new Saint Vitus icon, Jasonic. Not much to say other than that, you know, doom 'til death, doom over the world, Thulsa Doom, DOOM, etc.

On the subject of doom:
I couldn't help but notice on the car ride back from Florida that, as my dad was sifting through the radio stations looking for news, a college station in Georgia was playing an Earth song... I ended up making my parents suffer through all 4 minutes of Charioteer (Temple Song) in all it's repeating glory. :lol:I was even wearing my limited edition Earth shirt at the time. COINCIDENCE? I think not.
There will be a net connection, but I won't get it for a long time (1-3 months) if stories are to be believed, and even though I can use the school computers I'd rather not use them for going to silly forums when I can do other things instead with that time... Like work. I'll be busy busy.
Upstate New York is not so backwards that you won't be able to find your way back here. Believe me, I live in Indiana and I get here, too! :)

Good luck with everything, Cameron! Make sure to introduce yourself to the guys in Enertia when you get a chance.

What school are you going to?
Is this for HS or college?

Good luck! Yea, as Bob said, no need to stop posting here.
I'm off to a small boarding school called "Darrow School" in the mountains of upstate New York. And it's for HS (My sophomore year).

I'll be back to check in whenever I got the chance, for sure. I'd hate to not know what I'm missing back here in Chicago! :lol: "Hmmm... While Om are playing, I'll be carrying couches up four flights of stairs and telling everyone "Hello my name is..."!!! Exciting!" :headbang:
Yeah, why are you going to boarding school, if you don't mind my asking.

Was it your choice? Your parent's choice? Your school's choice?

I know many parents who each year get more disgusted with public schools.
I'm off to a small boarding school called "Darrow School" in the mountains of upstate New York. And it's for HS (My sophomore year).

I'll be back to check in whenever I got the chance, for sure. I'd hate to not know what I'm missing back here in Chicago! :lol: "Hmmm... While Om are playing, I'll be carrying couches up four flights of stairs and telling everyone "Hello my name is..."!!! Exciting!" :headbang:

Wow. Goodluck on your trip. I have lots of good things about ny boarding schools and it will be nice to hear is soon from what was the school there. Godbless friend!
Um, this original thread was from Fall of 2007.
I would think he is done with HS by now......

Damn, have we not heard from this guy in 4 years?