And so begins another glorified exercise in futility...


Miserable Bastard
Apr 16, 2001
Enfield, South Australia
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Where might I find the 1998 remastered versions of Ace Frehley's "Second Sighting" and "Trouble Walkin' " albums in this wide brown land of ours?

They were distributed here by Shock once upon a time, but I've had no luck the last twice I've tried to order them new. Breakthru Metal Music in Melbourne have both for $15 US each, but they haven't replied to my emails so any other leads would be welcome.

Where is "Breakthru Metal Music in Melbourne"? If I still worked in the city, I'd check it out for you, but I don't. Unless they're somewhere else I can get to during the course of my day. I haven't heard of them.
Trent, I'm just waiting for Radical's home page to load now. Thanks for the tip :headbang:.

Phlog, you wouldn't have heard of Breakthru Metal Music because they don't exist anymore. Their phone line's been disconnected, which I guess explains why they didn't answer my emails.

Here's a thought. If one of you Amazon-trusting gentlemen would be kind enough to order them on my behalf, I'd be glad to reimburse you in Aussie dollars. I'd do it myself, but I have an irrational fear of sending money overseas :D.

$69 later (yeesh!), problem solved. Anticipatory thanks to the people at B-Sharp records in Rundle St.

That spaced-out old codger better appreciate the trouble I'm going through to get these damn things. I could have just kept my old tapes, but no... :rolleyes:

The online catalogue only lists releases from the last 6 months.

They have a hard rock/AOR section bigger than the power/prog metal section at Metal Mayhem and get tons of stuff in all the time. On top of that they order anything in for you and have a huge 2nd hand hard rock/AOR section full of rarities at low prices.
I'll have to remember that for next time then. And yes, there will be one.

BTW, did you know HMV's website has the first VVI album on CD for $30.95? No sign of All Systems go yet, but it's nowhere near as good so it doesn't matter :).

I have it on CD, but it's a burnt copy made up of crap sounding MP3s ripped from vinyl. Before that I had a tape of it dubbed from a cassette I happened to find one day at my local library. Must get around to buying it one day.

Phloggy, which JB?

Because the only time I've seen it on CD was the vinyl replica version of it which I don't want. I want a jewel case one. Why have a vinyl replica when I already have an actual vinyl of it anyway?