And the award for longest lasting, most efficient yet still amusing troll goes to....

Best/most amusing/longest lasting Troll

  • Onder

    Votes: 3 20.0%
  • Onder

    Votes: 5 33.3%
  • Someone not Onder

    Votes: 7 46.7%

  • Total voters
I don't know what this is about. Is it about the LoG thread? I posted some sarcastic remarks there and a link to a scam article (that I didn't write, obviously) and it made some dumbass so frustrated that he attacked me personally. He wasn't the first one who commented on my looks either.

" look like a bullied bulimia chick who already got your ass raped." - ArneZ

"You look like a fucking chick. A mean ass dike, at that." - TheNightsBane

This is an intellectual level of 12 year olds first time on the internet. Do you think I "trolled" them to lash out at me? Do you think I posted my picture to give them a chance to insult me? Do you think I used irony and sarcasm because I knew that they wouldn't understand any of it?

If I was trolling, I would be satisfied with my capabilities and results. Because those retards really look dumb now. But I wasn't trolling. I was just being what I am. An intelligent, sophisticated, beautiful human. My wisdom reaches far beyond the reach of monkeys who spit angry cum at the laboratory glass. I watch those test animals, but I didn't capture them. There's a bitter taste dwelling on my tongue. But I hear the voice. We really are more advanced than them, doctor. And we have to move on.

Planet of the apes isn't happening tonight. Not on this forum.

Good night.
I was just being what I am. An intelligent, sophisticated, beautiful human. My wisdom reaches far beyond the reach of monkeys who spit angry cum at the laboratory glass. I watch those test animals, but I didn't capture them. There's a bitter taste dwelling on my tongue. But I hear the voice. We really are more advanced than them, doctor. And we have to move on.

I cried.