And you thought the high school yearbook sucked...

I like the Lars/Claus one, the Alicia one, Glenn's with the cigar, Ken's pic with his kids, and Aaron Tate's shot face (though havent ever met him).
Heh, that BumZen/Mads dude used to be on the old Iced Realm forum (used to be the largest Iced Earth online community for a while)...I specifically remember him because he recommended Pyramaze to me right when Melancholy Beast came out...I owe that guy a beer :)
That is one hell of a blast from the past. :)

Aaron hasn't been to ProgPower in years, despite our best attempts to drag his ass there. And I believe that pic of him is from the Seismic Radio luncheon at Houlihan's, during ProgPower 2.0. :)
Whew. Glad that gallery was compiled AFTER I departed the PM board, otherwise I'd have had to pay out even MORE blackmail money to have my (always ugly) mug removed. :lol:

Oh man. I clicked on that list hoping that I would see you. Dammit, dude. I don't really know anyone in that gallery save for just a select few.

Now I can see why this board always wants to talk about Tesla and Whitesnake. A bunch of old farts you people are! :heh::heh::heh:
Btw, my favorite has to be Lars striking the totally gay porn star pose with a pre-skullet Claus.

That picture was done for a newspaper article in Denmark about music managements and their bands, so the "gay star pose / touching each other" thing represents the handshake vs the fight between the two parties ... yeah, I know ... very GAY!


PS: pre-skullet, hahahahahaha thanks bro!!!
Imagine that! I'm wearing a ZH shirt in my photo. :D

I don't even remember who some of the people are...I must be getting senile.

Be sure and check out the link at the top "Separated at Birth"...too fun!
I'd love to submit a photo, I might even be able to do my own seperated at birth pic as well.... I hope Terri's doing ok, haven't heard a peep out of her for a while.... :(
That is one hell of a blast from the past. :)

Aaron hasn't been to ProgPower in years, despite our best attempts to drag his ass there. And I believe that pic of him is from the Seismic Radio luncheon at Houlihan's, during ProgPower 2.0. :)
Actually I think that was the result of a nasty soda flavor at the Coca Cola Museum. I think the pic of Rob/Weebo was taken the same day too. Wish Aaron would get his ass back to PP one of these years!
Oh man. I clicked on that list hoping that I would see you. Dammit, dude.

"Woah! Get some sun, Ringo!" :lol:

Now I can see why this board always wants to talk about Tesla and Whitesnake. A bunch of old farts you people are! :heh::heh::heh:

Someday, young Padawan, you shall understand the awesomeness that (sometimes) (okay, maybe occasionally) was 80's rock and metal.

In the meantime, we have Lykathea Aflame. :kickass:
Hahaha...have I ever been more gay than that??? I was trying to grow some kind of Swedish Mustache, but my genes simply don't allow for that. I remember shaving it off, as soon as I saw that picture.

Claus...those were the days...remember the parties in the apartment????

Heh, that BumZen/Mads dude used to be on the old Iced Realm forum (used to be the largest Iced Earth online community for a while)...I specifically remember him because he recommended Pyramaze to me right when Melancholy Beast came out...I owe that guy a beer :)

I'll buy it to him for you. I'll meet him at the Mercenary show in Copenhagen on Friday:headbang:

You can buy me a beer at the next Manticora US show then..:)
