Anderson Silva @ UFC148.


May 9, 2006
One word: amazing. I am a big Junior dos Santos fan, but Spider is just amazing. Holy shit.
i've slowly become a big fan of silva...never have been much for his cocky attitude, but his talent is just too great to not appreciate

i was a bit worried at the beginning of the 1st when sonnen got that takedown right away, but as soon silva got to his feet in the 2nd, i knew it was game over - and thank god, since now this means we won't have to hear any more of sonnen's unfounded shit talking

and although it probably won't happen, i'm REALLY hoping that a jon jones victory over dan henderson next month would set up a silva vs. jones fight @ 205. people thought there was a lot of hype going into this fight, but that one would for sure be the biggest in MMA history.
chael sonnen is so fucking annoying. Guy talks like he's some elite middleweight, but he hasn't finished a fight since 2007 (exception stann). winning by decision or getting submitted isn't in any way shape or form a good fighter. Bisping is better then him by a mile, and was so choked when he lost to chael.

I'd love to see a silva/jones fight, but I have a feeling we'll see a silva retirement before that ever happens... OR it'll be his retirement figt.
Sonnen showed zero heart , he took one clean shot covered up and waited for the ref to stop the fight , I am glad Anderson won . On a side note I can't see Anderson fighting Jones , the size difference is considerable . I would be more interested to see jones take on a Heavywieght .
Epic fight, lost my voice. The prelims were crazy too, a 31 second match then a 47 second match right after. AWESOME NIGHT.
I fucking love Silva. One of the last true MMA fighters that don't seem to want every fight to go to a decision. He'd rather knock you out or submit you quickly or get a TKO because he's stomping you while you lay there defenseless. So sick and tired of all these pussies that let every fight go to a decision. Yeah, they'd kick my ass, but I'm not a professional fighter so I can call them pussies. Actually, they aren't professional fighters to begin with either, you have to fight to be called a fighter. It's a few punches and hugging each other for the duration of the match. That's not fighting. Boxing has been a joke over the years because of this same shit. Well that and blatantly fixed fights (see: Pac vs. Bradley - if you think that decision was right, you have no business watching a boxing match).

Silva has a very obvious arrogance about him, but he backs it up. So, I gotta say I don't mind it as much as another fighter who acts arrogant at times and has nothing to back up his attitude.
I used to hate Sonnen until I realized that his whole schtick is just a comedy routine. He's definitely got a way with words, and this video is hilarious:

I thought the fight stoppage was a bit early, but the end result would have still been the same. That knee to the chest was brutal.
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