Andromeda(arg) discography


New Metal Member
Jun 8, 2008
After 4 years between "Labyrinth" and this new material Andromeda returns to the national scene with classic metal elements and progressive hard-rockers that characterize the banda since early 2001 with their "Demo 2001" presented with a great show in Acatraz, recorded live and released that same year, to make way for another demo and finally in 2003, after recording studio itself, Maze launch its debut plate.
In terms of shows, Andromeda shared scene with prominent bands at the national level as Crazy Train, Adrian Subotovsky, Burn, Pablo Soler among others.
With great impact by the specialized press, this time presents the banda 2 advancement tracks that maintain the essence of the previous disc and in turn bring freshness compositional style that needs


La Oportunidad.mp3 128kbps
Melodía neoclásica básica y letra positiva, una canción con mucha fuerza.

El Encuentro.mp3 128kbps
Un homenaje a nuestra música ciudadana en un tema con influencias progresivas.



Titulo: Laberinto
Artista: Andrómeda
Año: 2003
Bitrate: 128kbps

01. Intro Bm
02. Enemigo Intimo
03. Como un rayo
04. Laberinto
05. A solas
06. Almas nocturnas
07. Oscuridad
08. Lord Tinieblas
09. Nuevo mundo
10. Aquella vieja promesa