Andromeda on a little tour in the Netherlands

Sorry hate was a too strong a word. But i will try to enlighten you why i'm not fond off Ulysses.

It's not that much your music, but your stage performance has never managed to convince me. i keep wandering off...
I need a band that hooks me, keeps me interested. Maybe i'm just to much metal and my ADHD doesn't help either...
If i don't get hooked live i lose interest and will get bored after 15 minutes.

After viewing your video in the other topic, i have to state that i just don't receive the message you are sending.
I see headbanging guitar players (always a good thing);
A singer whose poses come over a bit forced (not a good thing), as it looks like his body is telling something his state of mind doesnt reflect. Either he doen't want to do it, or he doen't want to overdo it. Body and soul aren't one.
IMO overdoing a pose is not bad, if you believe in what you are doing for example Georg Neuhauser (Serenity);
The keyboarder and drummer just do their thing, but expressive keyboarders like Oliver Palotai (Kamelot), Jeffrey Revet (Steam of Passion) and drummers like Johanne James (Threshold) are rare.
The combination of it all gives of a mixed signal, which results in a message nog coming across.

Mind you i have the same problems with other good bands, such as Masterplan with Jorn on vocals...
Musicwise i think Dreamtheater is teadious and boring.
In the end i want to see a band that has good strong songs and enjoys themselves on stage, for example Threshold.

My opinion is based on 2 shows:
Willems Wondere Weiland 2009
P3, Purmerend 2009
IMO overdoing a pose is not bad, if you believe in what you are doing for example Georg Neuhauser (Serenity);

Or The Faceless. That guy sure believed what he was telling, not that I understood one word, but he was awesome. :D

In the end i want to see a band that has good strong songs and enjoys themselves on stage, for example Threshold.

3 Inches of Blood. Nuff said ;):kickass:
Wow, that was quit a resume I didn't expect. o_O It is a good thing you set the bar pretty high for bands. It is always a shame if we don't convince people that come to our shows, because that is what I really want to do. Comsidering the fact that we alle have a daytime job next to Ulysses I think we do a pretty good job. I wish I could put 24 hours into my music, my skills and performance. I respect your opinion and I am glad that you gave a good explanation. I will take it with me and try to convince you even harder next time ;-)

Just one question, did you feel the same with the soing Anat? The long song about the parent losing their baby. I still get goosebumps and tears in my eyes with this song. That is one song that means a lot to me knowing these parents and being a dad.

Well, thanks for your reply. Allthough it is sometimes hard to hear citisism about the thing you put your hard and soul in, it is good to value people's opinion and see what you can learn from that! :worship:
Wow, that was quit a resume I didn't expect. It is a good thing you set the bar pretty high for bands. It is always a shame if we don't convince people that come to our shows, because that is what I really want to do. Comsidering the fact that we alle have a daytime job next to Ulysses I think we do a pretty good job. I wish I could put 24 hours into my music, my skills and performance. I respect your opinion and I am glad that you gave a good explanation. I will take it with me and try to convince you even harder next time ;-)

Who knows miracles might still happen ;)

Just one question, did you feel the same with the soing Anat? The long song about the parent losing their baby. I still get goosebumps and tears in my eyes with this song. That is one song that means a lot to me knowing these parents and being a dad.

This is what i mean by not getting your message across, i had no idea what that song is about. So i felt no emotion...
Offcourse some types of music are better to provoke an emotion of sadness, for example

Well, thanks for your reply. Allthough it is sometimes hard to hear citisism about the thing you put your hard and soul in, it is good to value people's opinion and see what you can learn from that! :worship:

That's why i try to give you my honest opinion, i understand you try your best and i thank you for that. When next i'll see you play, we'll have a beer and talk after the show