ANDY BIERSACK: 'As Far As I Know, There Are No Plans To End BLACK VEIL BRIDES After VANS...


Purveyor of the Unique & Distinct
Staff member
Sep 30, 2001
Virginia, USA
BLACK VEIL BRIDES singer Andy Biersack has shot down reports that the band is breaking up. News of the BVB splitting up was first mentioned by Ashley Purdy on a since-deleted "Another FN Podcast" episode, where the BLACK VEIL BRIDES bassist told fans that the forthcoming Vans Warped Tour dates will be "the last time" to see the band. "We are going to do eight dates through the southern California area," Ashley reportedly said. "That is where you are going to see BLACK VEIL BRIDES for the last time ever in your entire lives. So, you better fucking go, because that's gonna be it." Purdy's comments appeared to fly in the face of BLACK VEIL BRIDES' posted touring itinerary, which includes a performance at the Aftershock festival in Sacramento, California, on October 14. In a statement to AltPress, Biersack said that he was unaware of any impending plans to call it quits. "This is the first I've heard of any 'breakup,'" he said. "As far as I know, there are no plans to end the band after Warped. Or, at least if there were, I was not made aware of them. We are in the early stages of work on a big 10-year retrospective release. And my personal focus as it relates to BVB are on that and these upcoming Warped Tour shows." Biersack also addressed Purdy's comments regarding new, upcoming projects from BVB members once the band completes the Vans Warped Tour shows, explaining that those have traditionally never gotten in the way of BLACK VEIL BRIDES' touring and recording activities in the past. "I would also like to add that any additional musical projects from any of the members of BVB will always be encouraged, and while I was aware that there was interest in starting something new from some of the members, similar to my ANDY BLACK side project or Jake's band AELONIA, I was unaware that there was a plan to end the band entirely and therefore I can't comment on it," he said. In a separate interview with Kerrang!, Biersack went one step further in dismissing rumors of a BLACK VEIL BRIDES split, saying: "You can't explain everything someone else says. We're all grown men. I've been told by everybody in the band that is not the case. Everyone in the band — all five members — have spoken this morning and we're all on the same page and ready to do Warped Tour. I'm someone who has in my life has said and done things I didn't maybe agree with — I'm yelling at people at awards shows and everything else — so who knows? I can't speculate on what was going on or what was going through Ashley's mind at the time or anything other than I know what I've been told and I know what the intention of the band is and that is we're going to move forward. That's the only thing I can say about it. Everything else is drama that the fans wind up being the victims of. We made it clear to one another that we intend to move forward, but the speculation is still out there for the fans. I think my responsibility is to make sure everybody knows that if there was a plan to break up after Warped Tour, I was never aware of it and I have been told that is not the case.” Biersack admitted that Ashley's comments add an air of awkwardness to the Warped shows, saying: "It's certainly an odd thing to have happen on the day we're moving all the gear onto the bus, but at the end of the day, we're professionals. It's our job to get up there and give the best show we can. This is an important time; this is the final Warped Tour which has been a huge catalyst in our career. I think it would be inappropriate for us to dwell on whatever awkwardness and not give people a proper show. We've only got eight shows to make the best of this last Warped Tour and I think that's the focus. At the end of the day, people see themselves in the capacity they see themselves. Far be it for me to dictate to somebody else what they feel they are in the context of the band. So if someone sees themselves as more intelligent than the other members, or see their position as this or that, then that's entirely up to them. It's entirely up to every member of this band to see their own journey, and I guess, in a way, visualize what they want to be. I do know that I love all the members of this band very much. We've spent so much time together, so for someone to say something they maybe later regret or didn't mean, it's not going to be the thing that tears everybody apart."

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