@Andy: Mastering in DAW over TC Finalizer plus question


Thrash till death
Sep 1, 2004
Lörrach, Germany
Hi Andy and all other MOTU 308 / TC Finalizer users

I have a important question. Now I have also a MOTU 308 as digital extention to my MOTU24I/O, or in other words now I'm able to send my mix via the AES/EBU interface to my TC Finalizer Plus and back for mastering like you do. So far so good.
How do I get back the mastered signal from the Finalizer into my DAW without changing the 16bit/44,1KHz format? Do you have a "insert plug" in the master section of your DAW to send the signal via AES/EBU interface and back and render in real time or how do you the inserting of the Finalizer?
Can anybody describe me the procedure and signal flow for making the mastering over the TC on the digital path.
I'm a little confused now.
Ok, I found out how it works finaly. Easier than I thought. :grin:
All you have to do is connect the TC Finalizer and the MOTU 308 via AES cables, open the AES In/outs in the MOTU 308 folder of the MOTU PCI control panel, start the DAW project(Cubase SX3), open the 'VST connections' and set up the selected AES channels in the 'extern FX' folder. Then open this 'extern FX' plug in a insert of your master channel. Rendering in realtime, voilá, mastering over the Finalizer!:loco: :loco: