Angel Of Retribution case you didn't know

Aug 31, 2004
In case you didn't already know, is streaming the entire 'Angel Of Retribution' album before it comes out in a few days. I realize all of the uber-elite downloaders here probably listened to it a year ago...^_^....but here it is for the rest of us:

I listened through about all of it. It was pretty solid, obviously nothing groundbreaking, but good.
Oh, it's an excellent comeback. Basically a refreshment of their whole career, with one moment totally new to the band (Loch Ness). Not to mention, "Judas Rising" and "Hellrider" are complete classics. The rest sounds pretty damn solid.
Yeah, I have to say it sounds like he never left. This sounds like it comes right after Painkiller. I listened to the whole album except for I only listened to a few minutes of "Loch Ness" because I accidentally made it start over.
Barking Pumpkin said:
Yeah, I have to say it sounds like he never left. This sounds like it comes right after Painkiller.

Ehh, not really, man. If you listen again, it really sounds like a review of their career using new songs...

Judas Rising - A lot like a heavier tune from Sad Wings, Sin, and Stained Class, "Dissident Aggressor" to be specific.

Deal With The Devil - Electric Eye meets Jawbreaker

Revolution - United part 2

Worth Fighting For - something from Point of Entry

Demonizer - Jugulator, Painkiller

Wheels Of Fire - You've Got Another Thing Comin', or something from Hellbent as well.

Angel - Like many of their other ballads from before.

Hellrider - PAINKILLER. I cannot even stress just how good this song is.

Eulogy - Epitaph part 2.

Loch Ness - Now HERE'S something new. A big monster of Doom Metal, I enjoy it greatly.

and...yeah. Good album. I'm buying it the day it comes out.
I guess not, thinking about it. That was just the first impression when it started. But I only have Painkiller and Screaming For Vengeance.... The start of Demonizer did sound kind of nu-metally.
Barking Pumpkin said:
The start of Demonizer did sound kind of nu-metally.

Haha, Jugulator wasn't Nu Metal. :p :p But seriously, yeah, it's a groovy tune, but it doesn't abuse the groove factor, thankfully.