Angela and Tarja together!

No, it sounds like a car - the Nissan Tarja, or something :)

I finally heard Arch Enemy for the first time on Rage last Saturday night - what the hell?? It just doesn't seem right for a woman to be singing like that, but at least she doesn't sound like the chick from Opera IX (or maybe it's Opera XI... the ones that did the AWFUL cover of Rime of the Ancient Mariner, anyway). I wonder why they hired a gal and not a guy. Still, might have to get one of their albums cos the song was quite good.
Angela is hot I reckon :D I was actually having a discussion at a party a couple of weeks ago about her being in Arch Enemy, me and my mate were saying how it doesn't seem right for a chick to sing death metal and its kinda a turn off.

He said "Girls are meant to be sexy, not sing death metal" and his girlfriend who was in the room LOVES death metal hahaha... and they got into a big fight over it! She wasn't happy, she walked out of the room and he goes to me "I don't think that was the right thing to say" haha!

After seeing their clip for Ravenous last Saturday though, I have changed my mind. I found her quite sexy even when she was singing that, and kind of an extra turn on actually! :D She still looks very feminine which is good. Still, I'd rather chicks singing Vixen type stuff hehe.
Originally posted by The Trooper
I found her quite sexy even when she was singing that, and kind of an extra turn on actually!

I have to agree, she sounds god awful to me, but you have to love a woman willing to go to extremes :D
Originally posted by spawn

but you have to love a woman willing to go to extremes :D

And what would you know of such 'extremes', Mr Busgirl Boy? :p
I reckon she's a top-notch death vocalist. It's great to see her breaking the mould, and going against what most people expect.
Originally posted by Winmar
I reckon she's a top-notch death vocalist. It's great to see her breaking the mould, and going against what most people expect.

She is definitly really great at what she does, especially considering how closely scrutinised her voice would be by fans once they found out it was a woman, but its not cricket to me, thats all :)
As much as I have always loved Arch Enemy, I was starting to get a bit bored by Johan's voice, Angela being in Arch Enemy has raised them back into my top 10 and thats with only one album. And she's soooooo fuckin hot, now if only my plan to get her and Shiralee to marry me would work......
Originally posted by spawn
Koich, did Starscream really say that? That sounds so mardi gras!

This coming from the man with a fishnet shirt???:lol:

Yeah he did, I got it on video somewhere, It was when he was trying to get some Autobot convert. Ahhh starscream,the memories...

Winmar, He wasn't the worst vocalist I have ever heard. The second dude from Regurgitate (no i didn't forget the last letter) takes the cake,he sound like he's singing underwater.
Originally posted by Koichi

This coming from the man with a fishnet shirt???:lol:

Yeah he did, I got it on video somewhere, It was when he was trying to get some Autobot convert. Ahhh starscream,the memories...

:lol: I never remembered Starscream being so camp, it might just be the sands of time diluting my memory though!

Its MESH not fishnet dammit :)