Angela Gossow and Mike Amott to get married!

Dark One

The Tainted Dogma
Feb 5, 2002
Southwest Florida

ARCH ENEMY's ANGELA GOSSOW: 'MIKE AMOTT And I Are Getting Married' - Apr. 23, 2003

In the May issue of Metal Hammer, ARCH ENEMY vocalist Angela Gossow is featured in an "At Home With" story from her apartment in Cologne, Germany. In it she makes a big announcement about the future of the relationship between her and ARCH ENEMY/SPIRITUAL BEGGARS guitarist Mike Amott: "He lives in Sweden and I think distance is good for the relationship. I have my family and I'm studying economics here. We miss each other but this is good. It's not that it's getting boring, in fact, it's great and we're going to get married later this year."

Well, so much for rumors and speculation. Guess they figured since the cat's truly out of the bag they may as well go all the way. I for one am happy for them and hope that it only serves to strengthen their already strong product. Let's go back to just making some great music guys, that's what it's all about anyway. Congratulations! :)
Just came off the AA forum where Dreamlord posted Karl Sanders of NILE bashing Arch Enemy... then when I tried to click on the threads showing Angela firing back and Karl apologizing, they are no where to be found... what in the hell did I miss today?

This is what sucks about these new UM upgrades, everything has been timing out all day up to 4 or 5 minutes and I finally just got annoyed and left.

Now playing: Carcass "Excoriating Abdominal Emanation"
Checked out the AE forum but all threads must have been removed!

And then the UM servers crashed again for the 3 zillionth time, so I gave up.

Oh well, I like Nile AND Arch Enemy so I don't give a shit about tour politics.

Angela Gossow is just another woman who's going to get it tough from a male chauvenistic society, whether it be corporate or media.