Angelcorpse - Of Lucifer and Lightning


Jun 17, 2004
Angelcorpse - Of Lucifer and Lightning
Osmose Productions - OPCD 194 - May 4, 2007
By George Grant


Seven years is a long time for a band to be missing in action. The same spirit and energy that a band had in its earlier career could easily be lost in the time gap. More times than not these reunions fail. However, underground death metal titans Angelcorpse are back to prove they still have the drive. Their newest album Of Lucifer and Lightning shows that despite the seven year hiatus the fire burns strong.

Although not offering anything new to the table, Angelcorpse have turned out a great record that new and old fans will enjoy. Angelcorpse have stuck to their old school death metal and don’t adhere to modern trends. Pete Helmkamp’s venomous snarl serves as the backbone to the musical carnage. It’s his vocals that really set the band above the modern monotonous scene, in the sense that you can actually understand what he is saying. Also, Gene Palubicki’s tremolo infected riffs will no doubt remind listeners of Morbid Angel and Deicide. Even his lead work seems to be a marriage of Slayer and already mentioned Morbid Angel. When all mixed together, this record really shows that the old style of death metal is still alive.

The production on the album is one that needs some time to get used to. The mix is very guitar heavy, and the bass and drums are easily lost. Yet, after a few listens it becomes less of a problem. One thing that still seems to bother me is the lack of dynamics on the drums. Although John Longstreth performs in his usual high caliber, the drums still sound very dry and almost lifeless. For an album that oozes spirit I thought this to be an interesting choice. Also, despite the short running time of thirty six minutes, the album does seem to drag on a bit. This most notably happens in the track ‘Thrall.’ However, thrashing numbers such as ‘Hexensabbat’ and the closing ‘Lustmord’ will quickly snap you out of it.

Of Lucifer and Lightning proves that Angelcorpse are back. The spirit and intensity is still there for a band that’s been out of the game for so long. Having been lucky enough to see the band perform these new tracks live on their recent tour, I can easily say that this new album fits perfectly with the rest of the band’s back catalog. The stormgods return!

Official Angelcorpse Website
Official Osmose Productions Website
This one ripped me up one side and down the other! AWESOME oldschool death metal...these dudes sound like the are ready to pick up Uzis and head to the nearest church! MANY BRUTAL HAILS!:headbang: