Angra For 04??

I've probably travelled more miles to watch Angra in the USA and Europe than I have for all but a handful of bands (Nightwish, Vanden Plas and Edguy) and was seriously pissed off when they blew out the London gig to go home a day early - Bastards. Considering how many Brazillians there are in London, (to say nothing of us long-standing fans) it was a very bad move IMHO.

I would however, be very happy to see them play in 2004.
discovered them by accident, when looking up freedom call - good band and would love to see em at bloodsock, and ill say since were on the subject tht id love to see freedom call again, and if they came gamma ray might as well come too since their drummer would be here ne way :D plus they fukin rule
I think Angra would be a great addition, I still love their Angel's Cry album. Eagle, where can I hear some stuff by Dark Avenger? I tracked down their website but I can't find any soundfiles there. Read a couple of reviews though and they sound really good.