Anime Video of "Fallen"

†Russel Allen†® said:
I simply HATE these fake videos! I got pranked a few times when I tried to download some bands videos on the web, and for my surprise, I could only see... anime! So, I hate anime fake videoclips, I'm sorry.

The best "fake" video Ive seen is some guy who synched up Blind Guardian's Lord of the Rings with footage from Fellowship of the Ring. Kinda makes you wish they did some soundtrack work for the film :).
Yngvai X said:
The best "fake" video Ive seen is some guy who synched up Blind Guardian's Lord of the Rings with footage from Fellowship of the Ring. Kinda makes you wish they did some soundtrack work for the film :).

That sounds pretty cool. Do you have that video?

LOL! Too awesome! When I read the post that started this thread I was like "cool" cause I enjoy watching these kinds of things loving music and vid games and anime. I thought to myself that it was cool they took a Symphony X song (one of my favs as well) and put it to one of these. I thought "that would be cool if it was put to Naruto". Sure enough the next reply confirmed "it is from an anime called Naruto"! My friend has downloaded the japanese subtitled episodes of this series and I have seen every episode so far (40 to be exact). We wait every week to download the new episode of the week. For any anime fans who don't know about this series I definately recommend it. I have been dissapointed in a lot of animes for a while and this one just brought back hope in me. Just hope I can figure out why the site won't let me download the music video!!!
Guess if I knew how to do this I'd make a video to the entire V album using Escaflowne anime since it also tells it's story with the Atlatis twist and for the Accolades definetly Record of the Lodoss War.

This is a definite plus to speading the word of Symphony X, because these videos are shown at the anime Cons around the country as a Music Video Contest, now a days the cons have thousands in attendence so SX could get a few more fans.
Yngvai X said:
The best "fake" video Ive seen is some guy who synched up Blind Guardian's Lord of the Rings with footage from Fellowship of the Ring. Kinda makes you wish they did some soundtrack work for the film :).

Awwww, yeah... I gotta say that this is the only exception. It is really a masterpiece, I think that Blind Guardian could recruit this dude to edit their videos! :grin:
rockmanxpr said:
Guess if I knew how to do this I'd make a video to the entire V album using Escaflowne anime since it also tells it's story with the Atlatis twist and for the Accolades definetly Record of the Lodoss War.

This is a definite plus to speading the word of Symphony X, because these videos are shown at the anime Cons around the country as a Music Video Contest, now a days the cons have thousands in attendence so SX could get a few more fans.

I'm actually making a SyX video right now. It'll show at a con next year, once it's finished. I've got a friend that's making another video using Wicked. My one video is up there right now, with Apocalyptica, but it's not that great. So here's some other editors that use good metal (in order of greatest creators)...

Rubyeye - Amazing. :notworthy

Fluxmeister - His Apocalyptica and E.S. Posthumus videos are his best, in my opinion.

nailz1000 - His Nightwish one is his only really good one. He's my partner in crime. :err:

Anime2Envy - Well... I love The Spell, so maybe I'm biased but I think it's really good.

NeoGohan - He's the one making the vid with Wicked. Not many good metal vids yet though.

TobinHood - Requiem for the Innocent. Pretty nice.

Kai Stromler - He's made the most by far.

Vancore - Rhapsody, meh.

I don't think I'm missing anyone. Aside from myself, but you don't need to see my video. :p

And †Russel Allen†®, the editor that made that video really isn't all that great (if this is the video you guys are talking about). He also made two videos with In Flames and Sonata Artica that weren't too great. Rockmanxpr, unfortunately, thousands don't attend the video showings most of the time. Hundreds at best. But I was at one where they played the Rhapsody video and the Threshold video (from that first editor) and they got a lot of applause.
So NeoGohan is your friend? I have seen a lot of his Final Fantasy CG music vids. He is pretty decent at editing music vids, though you are right that he uses not too much "good" metal. The best I have seen of him was a FFIX one using Iced Earth's "Dark Saga"........if you have played that particular FF game you would see how perfect the lyrics of that sound go with each character as they show them in the video. It is great and what really got me into Iced Earth actually. I hope he does a good job with "Wicked".
symphonyXjapan said:
So NeoGohan is your friend? I have seen a lot of his Final Fantasy CG music vids. He is pretty decent at editing music vids, though you are right that he uses not too much "good" metal. The best I have seen of him was a FFIX one using Iced Earth's "Dark Saga"........if you have played that particular FF game you would see how perfect the lyrics of that sound go with each character as they show them in the video. It is great and what really got me into Iced Earth actually. I hope he does a good job with "Wicked".

Yeah, he's a cool guy. That Iced Earth one is a little more recent, after he got into good metal more. A great video,too. I think he'll do a great job with Wicked.