Ann Coulter gets pies thrown at her...

Oblivious Maximus

I am the worm
Nov 5, 2003
Serving time in the middle of nowhere
Anybody else hear about this? Coulter was giving a speech at some university, and 2 liberals ran on stage and threw pies at her. One pie hit her in the shoulder. The poliece later arrested the 2 men, who I believe were students. I have to admit, I found this kind of funny.
The fact that Liberals are more violent than rednecks.
You don't see protests at the Democratic convention, do you?
Because Republicans believe in the Democratic process
and when Democrats and Liberals feel threatened they
do what all radicals do.. ATTACK!!!
Judging from pictures she´s one of a pretty attractive lady. I wouldn´t throw custard pies at her, but I would use the cream in a different way... :)
Buzzard said:
The fact that Liberals are more violent than rednecks.
You don't see protests at the Democratic convention, do you?
Because Republicans believe in the Democratic process
and when Democrats and Liberals feel threatened they
do what all radicals do.. ATTACK!!!
Correct. Has a conservative ever thrown a pie at Michael Moore? No, because he would probally eat it. Has a conservative ever thrown anything at Alan Colms? No!
You know, there is absolutely NOTHING in the news about these guys being liberals. They're just drunken frat boys. Even if they are liberal, judging the entire left wing by them is like judging the entire right wing by the KKK, or maybe, say, a ludicrous, bigoted harpy like Ann Coulter.
I´m not very tolerant with bullshit. It´s alwyas fun when a celebrity fuck up. Like when Sean Penn got a gun for his car, that wouldn´t have been so bad if he had said that he were ok with people owning guns because that felt unsafe at home or in their car. Have not read if he tried to explain why he did it. Bet he stayd low on the issue for some months.

And for Rush... well, anyone who used drugs were criminals and he had the fucking right to judge people but when he got caught he whines "Ohhhh, I know I did wrong, I´m no role model..." And then the hypocrite goes to rehab, when everyone else who done a few lines or pills should be sent to prison according to him.