Anneke + Danny Cavanagh (Anathema)


Feb 26, 2002
South Florida
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Anneke (ex-the Gathering) and Danny Cavanagh (Anathema) just released a live album from one of their acoustic performances earlier this year...

there are a few songs on Anneke's myspace (inclduing A natural Disaster)

This is just perfect for me... It's not everyday that your favorite artists record together...

I know a few of you are into Anathema, so I thought I'd share :p

BTW, what did you think of the new Gathering album?
It kind of bores me. Maybe I'll like it more if I hear some live stuff. The live albums/DVDs have always been my favorite releases from them but that's always been due to Anneke's vocals really shining through live since her voice for me is more about the emotional aspect of it. Nothing better than listening to a song like Travel live.

BTW, what did you think of the new Gathering album?
It kind of bores me. Maybe I'll like it more if I hear some live stuff. The live albums/DVDs have always been my favorite releases from them but that's always been due to Anneke's vocals really shining through live since her voice for me is more about the emotional aspect of it. Nothing better than listening to a song like Travel live.

I was expecting something between the old Gathering sound and Octavia Sperati. What I got was something far more "pop" or even just more boring than either. :(
A friend has been a die-hard Gathering fan for a long time, and she was disappointed in it, too. Dunno what happened. :waah:
I personally think the new Gathering album is solid. It has its moments. Then again, I also thought Home was weak and in some ways they haven't deviated from that sound much.

I actually just got into Anathema when I found "A Natural Disaster" at my local used CD shop. Good album.
I'm definitely looking forward to this. Anneke is my favorite female vocalist. What I think I'm looking forward to even more, though, is the next Devin Townsend CD, which she is a part of as well.

She's busy right now! Recording with Devin, a new Agua de Annique album, the live album with Danny, singing a song or two on the new Anathema album as well...

BTW, what did you think of the new Gathering album?
It kind of bores me. Maybe I'll like it more if I hear some live stuff. The live albums/DVDs have always been my favorite releases from them but that's always been due to Anneke's vocals really shining through live since her voice for me is more about the emotional aspect of it. Nothing better than listening to a song like Travel live.

I actually like it quite a bit! It feels very much like The Gathering to me. They didn't lose their essence even without Anneke's voice, which was a big part of their sound...

There are a few weak songs in there, but I enjoy most of it! I find it to be better than Agua de Annique.... I am dying to see them live again! :)
I saw them live doing their acoustic show outdoors in my hometown June last year and i have to say it's probably the most magical and also surreal shows i've been to.
Magical because Anneke's voice and the songs they played and surreal due to the audience. Imagine just over 100 people and the majority with long hair and hoodies. :lol:
This was at a small cafe in a public park and i can't imagine what people that walk by thought when they saw this crowd sitting quietly listening to Anneke and Danny.

I filmed a song and have to excuse the unsteady cam, i got a bit cold at the end.

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Love Anneke with a passion. Fantastic singer and even better person. I never will forget when Anneke applied ice packs from the bar to my arm in the outskirts of Cleveland some 12-13 years ago after I had been stung by some 30 bees the same day.

Did anyone else catch the same tour? They opened up for The Misfits of all things. The Gathering was incredible that night. Made me an instant fan.

Love Anneke with a passion. Fantastic singer and even better person. I never will forget when Anneke applied ice packs from the bar to my arm in the outskirts of Cleveland some 12-13 years ago after I had been stung by some 30 bees the same day.

Did anyone else catch the same tour? They opened up for The Misfits of all things. The Gathering was incredible that night. Made me an instant fan.

That's a weird tour! ahaha But cool story!
I am absolutely biased, but I can't agree more... Anneke (and The Gathering) are great live!

Early this year I had the pleasure of bringing a birthday cake on stage for Anneke on her 36th birthday... It was pretty cool moment! Here is a video:
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I saw some youtube videos of them live last year. They sound wonderful together, and I'm sure it'll be a great cd.
I personally think the new Gathering album is solid. It has its moments. Then again, I also thought Home was weak and in some ways they haven't deviated from that sound much.

I think the new album is great. The song No One Spoke blows me away. I was playing it in the car Saturday night after Fates on way to find food and my passengers all found it a nice change of pace.
I think we will finally get a new album this year! It's becoming the new Chinese Democracy ahahhaha
I just saw Anathema on Sunday and Danny told on stage that they really have finally finished recording the new album and mixing starts in October! Can't wait! (And just to rub it in I have to say that the 24 song and 2 hour 10 min show they did here was absolutely fantastic :heh:)

So Lucas maybe you need to drag your ass over here when the new album is out to see them do a Finnish mini-tour for it :)

Really looking forward to this Anneke+Danny collaboration too, the setlist is great and hopefully the sound quality will be excellent too. The semiacoustic The Gathering live album Sleepy Buildings is easily one of my all-time fave live albums and I love the production of it too.