[Announcement] Encyclopedia of Experimental and Progressive Metal


New Metal Member
Feb 8, 2002
Yes, It is finally online after nearly 6 months of seeking ways to host it to a new domain. To Epigram Encyclopedia of Progressive and Experimental Metal resides at:


It is open to online contributions and corrections since it was always working that way. But even now, it needs a long way up to be concidered complete i.e. cover everything.

Note: If you keep a long list of experimental/progressive metal bands that includes at least some overall reviews on the bands, and you are willing to merge your information with the Encyclopedia, don't worry about the online forms, please contact me to arrange the merging.


- FateSWarm


ps. btw, The Prog Musicians Forum is full of life since the time it reopened three days ago. Visit it at www0.org/musicians if you're looking for musicians or your band needs a drummer :o) And btw, feel free to contribute for your band on the encyclopedia's pages, even if your band is at an early state.