Annual dissident events


Jun 29, 2006
Tired of big business encouraging violent crime with the multicultural instability no majority anywhere wants? Sick of pollution, cancer and flesh eating bacteria? Had enough of status quo and political correctness? Done with the homosexuality and diversity propaganda spilling out of the overflowing electric toilet?

Our national theme was "make and consume culture" by which we tried to encourage people to get their aesthetic experiences and identity building material from cultural experiences rather than of shopping. Our message was that borrowing a book from library or going to a small theatre doesn't harm environment in the same way that constant buying does. In addition, free artists often picture more realistically our contemporary life that the adverts do, so culture is also healthy for our brain and soul. The third "pro" of the theme was that it allowed us to invite museums, theatres and other cultural institutions + artists to participate.

Kind regards,
BND Coordinator

Deny Buy Nothing Day
Annoy International Day of Slayer
Ignore TV Turnoff Week

Other annual dissident events not listed would be appreciated. Let's participate and promote these.
Are you telling me to buy television sets at bestbuy and play slayer on them using a brand new state of the art (not really) x-box 360?